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actual smoking games

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by weedleaf, Mar 25, 2009.

  1. "who can run from the piggies the fastest" is a fairly popular one.
  2. I used to play this but I stopped sometime when I was 16. I miss those days. (kind-of)
  3. #23 agent_00_trees, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2009
    me and three other guys played a game one time with this huge 2 person hookah (homemade) me and my buddy against these two other guys, we just had to keep tokin and switching and first person to choke their team loses. lol, quite simple but it was fun and we were blitzed.

    What made it more amusing was we were getting smoked up so it wasn't our weed, and they didn't think we smoked much so they suggested the game and they were all laughing about it thinking we were gonna choke right away and me and my buddy just looked at each other and laughed and said 'ok' so we smoked a shit load, haha.
  4. we used to play this game called hindu baseball (no idea if the name is even real or anything, its just what we were told)

    everyone is sitting when they take their hit, but stand up really quickly whenever you clear the pipe/bong/whatev

    doesnt really get you any higher i think, but way more lightheaded haha
  5. I play this game called getting can play it by yourself or with friends...first you get weed...then you smoke that weed in whatever fashion you want to smoke it in...repeat if needed...then do something else:p

  6. its because these games fucking suck!
  7. #27 I Love Greens, Mar 25, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 25, 2009
    around here we call that game around the world or yeah, baseball. did that recently with a group of like 10+ people..i was high i forget the total heads..but i got like 2 successful hits on it then people were bitchin cuz they were takin too much time..

    ROFLLLLLLL during this post i had to stop for 10 mins laughing soooo hard at my cat whitey...shes going nuts with this waterbottle cap ROFL she just ran out the room with it in her mouth hahhahahahahahahahahahhaahhahahahah
  8. I remember this CSI: Miami episode where these kids are playing "bong olympics" where there are two teams and the contestants have to hold in their rips as long as possible. This one kid holds his teammate's head down on the bong so that he won't blow out his hit out. An aneurysm in his brain bursts and he dies.

    The rest of the kids are charged with murder.
  9. zonk - amazing smoking game
  10. theres a few games we used to play im pretty baked so i cant remember most of them. one good one was called dancing with the devil i believe. its when no one ash's the blunt/jay and whoever drops the ash is out of the cipher. its cool and all but i think leaving the ash on the end makes it harder to hit.
  11. There's this game called "3-2-1" around here. You do it with a joint or a blunt and 2 or 3 buddys. First, you take 3 puffs and hold it, then pass the joint around the circle and they shall all take 3 puffs too and hold it. When it comes back to you, now you take 2 puffs and still hold it. You do that until everyone took 6 puffs. Gotta be quick to pass the joint :p

    Ps : Sorry if you don't understand, tried to explain it my best. (I'm blazed + I'm french)
  12. we called holding your hits graveyard.
  13. i call that chicago'ing (when you hold ur hit till you get the joint/blunt back)
  14. We call it Around the World down here in Cali...
    A game I have heard of is where two HIGH people have to think of 2...3 digit numbers and everyone in the circle has to figure out what the are multiplied...the person who gets it first gets to finish off the weed in the end of the blunt/jay in a pipe(of course when its at roach status). Its a bitch but the reward = awesome.
  15. my circle calls it a chicago as well.

    last time there was a bunch of us, we played wooly wooly moose, the drinking game. one person does something, like snap. next person snaps, then adds something else. continues until someone screws up. pretty difficult while high, haha.
  16. I just read that shit on wikipedia...way to confusing...
  17. In the UK holding it in 'til it comes back to you is called suicide, and for good reason when you're in a big group. It can go on for ever if you're good enough.


    This is called THE RIZZLA GAME! (Listen closely)
    1. Take one pint glass.
    2. Run some sticky tap around the top of the glass so the sticky side face out.
    3. Take a load of rolling papers (rizzlas) and stick them together to make one sheet.
    4. Place the sheet over the top of the glass and stick it down like the skin of a drum.
    5. Place a small coin in the centre of the "drum".


    The object of the game is to burn a hole in the "skin" without letting the coin fall into the glass. You take turns to burn a hole in the skin and the one that lets the coin fall in has to do a forfeit like drink bong water or buy porn from your local store with black face paint on (I have done both). THE FORFEIT MUST BE AGREED BEFORE YOU START! This game is great it takes a steady hand and concentration but it gets so intense when the only thing between you and drinking bong water is a tiny thread of wafer thin paper.

    1. You must all agree to the forfeit before you start. There is no pressure if the forfeit is something you don't mind doing, and one man's forfeit may not be another's.
    2. If you do not burn a COMPLETE hole you must keep trying until you do! This means if you "edge burn" it doesn't count. You CAN have a hole for a second then it spreads to the edge. This is OK!
    3. If you are smoking hash and a "hot rock" or part of the cherry falls off and buns a hole you MUST burn THREE more holes!
    4. The fourth and final rule! In order to make the cherry of your J glow hot you must take a drag. You MUST hold the smoke in until your hole has finished burning! This can be a long time. If you blow out you have to make another hole.

    This is a beautiful game because everyone gets so involved because everyone has something to lose. As the game goes on you get more and more stoned and it gets harder and harder but more and more fun because after you've made your hole you know your survived that round. Near the end of the game when there is just a scrap of paper left and you burn the tiniest pin hole, you sit back and think... :cool:

    "That's never getting back to me!"

    IT WILL! :eek:

    You have to try this game. You will be addicted. All you need are a couple of items you probably have right next to you.

    1. Glass
    2. Papers
    3. Tape
    4. Coin

    Peace x
  18. we call it baseball.
  19. When we smoke blunts or joint we play the roachlympics. Basically whoever can hit the roach the longest wins, but sometimes its just luck if you both hold it till it goes out.
  20. we call that chicago too and i live in florida lol. but we also like to do with our shotguns is this: hehe

    1) both crouch down
    2) breathe in the shotty
    3) slowly stand up while holding it in
    4) stretch with your arms in the air nice and slow like while still holding it in
    5) do 15 jumping jacks while STILL holding it in
    6)sit down and breathe out. ( if you don't sit down have someone around to catch you !!!! TRUST ME!!!)

    One of my bet friends lives on this humongous lake. theres an island in the middle. We went out there and cleared out an area where you can set up a few tents and party hard.
    so we all pooled money for like 3 O's and smoked it ALL before morning. There was only 4 of us. LOL

    anyway the first time i did this crazy shotgun hit i was still standing when i finally let out the smoke and i almost fell into the fire we had goin... yea not good but hey lol. This is supposed to be a ONE TIME ONLY thing lol dont be crazy man (like me) and do 2 more because you like it so much.

    Yea when we smoke out... we do cazy shit haha:smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking::hello::smoking::smoking::smoking::smoking:

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