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The Official Guide to Conserving Weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Str8oFfThEtOP, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. #1 Str8oFfThEtOP, Mar 20, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
    Ok, so lately I have seen quite a few threads focused on how people can conserve their weed and make it last as long as possible. In these hard economic times it can get rough having to make a new pickup every week. I know this, because I am a poor college student living off as little as possible. Because of this I have developed some tips and strategies that everyone can use that will really help you make every gram last. :smoking:

    First off, (I would think this goes without saying) try and smoke less. I know it can be hard, but get some self discipline and cut yourself off every now and then. For example, if you are a daily smoker, like myself, try and smoke maybe twice a day instead of three or four times a day. Smoke around noon and then smoke again in the evening, or if you can help it, smoke just at night. If you only smoke a few times a week, try and cut it down to once on the weekends. I know it sucks, but this can sometimes add a week or more to your stash's lifetime.

    Now on to the real tips-

    Always see if your friends want to buy bud with you. My roommates and I usually buy our bud together and then split it between the three of us. Normally we buy a zip and then each take a quarter for personal use. The last quarter we roll into blunts and joints and keep them in a cigar box in our living room. We smoke these when we are all together while watching a movie or whatever else we are doing at the time.

    If you can help it, don't smoke blunts or joints. While they are awesome to smoke and are good at getting the job done, they can be very wasteful. All that smoke that rolls off the end while you are Bogarting that blizzard/jay could be chillin in your lungs instead. If you absolutely must must must smoke either of these try and spliff it with some tobacco. I personally don't like it, but a lot of people I know actually enjoy the tobacco mixed with the herb.

    Another alternative to rolling blunts and jays for yourself is to match greens with your friends and roll a blunt together. A 5 gram blunt between 5 people is a little less wasteful than a 5 gram blunt between one person if you can keep it in constant rotation.

    Another huge help is to save up all of your roaches. I usually keep them in an ashtray that I have specifically for roaches. Then, every now and then I roll up a jay with just roaches. It's a little tougher to get them to burn right, but they can get you blitzed sometimes.

    Smoke your bud from bowls/bongs/chillums/one hitters/gravity bongs/waterfalls. These tools are really good at using minimal amounts of weed and only using what you need. I can't stress enough how effective a gravity bong or a waterfall is at conserving your bud. Trust me on this fact. I just recently stretched about a gram across a few days by only smoking from a GB at nights before I went to sleep.

    If you choose to smoke from a bowl/bong corner your greens. For those who don't know what I mean, here's a quick little explanation on how I do it. Pack your bowl with however much you want in it (remember, you are trying to conserve weed, so not too much). Then, take your lighter and hold it to the very edge of the bowl and begin to inhale. Your breathing will pull the flame towards the packed bowl. The object here is to light only a little bit so you can inhale the smoke you want, and there is no excess burning.

    GRIND YOUR WEED! Ground bud has more surface area than a regular nug, so when you light your bud it burns a lot more evenly. Also, the more surface area that is burning the more THC is going to light up and that will help to blaze you up a little more.

    Hold your hits in longer! This goes for whatever you are smoking out of. Pull all that smoke into your lungs and slowly count to 5. This insures that your lungs absorb as much THC as possible. Another technique that I use is to exhale slowly. I like to open my mouth just a little bit and slowly push the smoke out of my lungs. Generally speaking, I hold the smoke in for 5 seconds, and then take another 3 seconds to exhale all that smoke.

    I don't know much about vaporizers because I don't own one but from what I hear they do an excellent job of getting the most out of your weed. If anyone wants to PM a short paragraph on vapes I will gladly add it and give them credit for it.

    When you combine all of these tips you will most definitely notice that your bud is lasting you longer. You will start to see that sometimes just a few GB rips, or one bowl pack does enough to have you sitting in your living room watching tv and enjoying a nice plate of nachos (or if you're like me, it will be enough for you to enjoy the view after a long hike, or the serenity of a river during a refreshing kayak trip).

    If anyone else has any tips just let me know and I will edit them in. Enjoy! :smoking::D

    PS: I am not condemning joints and blunts. I love enjoying a blunt with my good friends, or lighting up a jay on the way to class, but sometimes you have to lay off them for a little while so you can enjoy the herb for a few days more.
  2. buy a table-top whip vaporizer (70$, buy a vapor bros for 120$ or volcano if you can afford it) and hold your hits in for 5-10 seconds. i get soo blazed every day but go through a teener every few days...but i have to say that a vaporizer milks all the thc from your bud.

    another tip is to smoke with other people who have bud who can match you. that way, you smoke more and pack less.
  3. I didn't even think of a vaporizer because I don't own one, but yeah that's great, I'll add that too.
  4. gud tips. thats all i know if lol
  5. I'd get rid of holding your hits longer. All it really does for you is deprive you of oxygen, making you get a strange head high.

  6. My take on this is that the oxygen deprivation doesn't happen until you hold it for a little longer than 10 seconds. Holding in bud smoke for a few seconds longer does in fact let your lungs absorb a little more THC. If you have proof that you can suffer from oxygen deprivation in 5 seconds then I will gladly apologize and remove it from the guide. Until then I will stick to my opinion. I don't mean to be rude at all, I am simply respectfully disagreeing with you.
  7. Shameless bump?
  8. quick question

    im not new to smoking but i never bought much dank...anyways i have been buyin reg because I don't have a lot of income right now but anyways when i buy reggie i buy like a eighth or quarter a day for 20 and I end up smokin a quarter of reggie in a couple sessions but do you think instead of a quarter of reg for 20 would it be more worth it to get an eighth of dank for 40-50?
  9. For me personally, no. Stick with cheap.

    I always use a gravity bong when I'm trying to conserve, helps a lot.
  10. Very nice, good guide.... I'll try to corner my greens when I get my pipe. :D
  11. well, a little bit of dank goes a long way.....
    i guess it doesnt really make a difference though.
  12. lol fiending guide?
  13. Another couple of things:

    Save your roaches if you smoke joints or blunts

    Always save flakes after rolling a joint or blunt, never blow them away.
  14. This is a good guide in general but could really use a lot more. ESPECIALLY info on vaporizers as they are NO DOUBT the 100% best way to conserve weed. 0.5g to get someone blazed. And you can reuse the duff for buzz-jays later. :D

    But good guide for noobs. :smoke:
  15. #16 Nurbzy, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
    Another interesting thing to do when buying (not conserving I know, but get more for your money) is get a bunch of people to throw down together (for reasonable amounts, 20+). 300/zip for dank around here is normal, so instead of just buying 1 gram for 20, you get 1.88g, nearly double :)

    Not completely related and only works if you got a bunch of people who trust each other, but its a nice way if your low on cash and want a decent amount of bud for your money. Got nearly 6g of dank for $60 before doing this.

    And I all ways wondered what cornering the bowl means, I tried to just light a small corner of my bowl but cherried the hell out of it because i was lighting it like I normally do, but holding it away from the bowl makes sense, thanks :)

  16. Yeah man, I'm definitely going to add that. Like I said before, anyone who has any more tips just post them and I will throw them in.

    Also, if anyone wants to write up a little something about vapes, PM it to me. I would do it, but I know nothing about them and I'm not qualified to be telling people about them, haha.
  17. #18 CjX, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
    I love it when people talk about matching bowls being conservative.

    Here, let's break this down together.

    You have 1 gram of weed.
    Johny has 1 gram of weed.

    Scenario 1:

    Johny goes home and you smoke your gram.

    Total: You smoked 1 gram

    Scenario 2:

    You and Johny match. You both split the first bowl and take about .5 each. Johny loads the second bowl and you both smoke about .5 each.

    Total: You smoked 1 gram


    The only way you get anything from matching bowls is if you purposely take bigger hits to smoke more of the weed. Around here we call that being a "Dick".


    You provide a cheaper quality of weed than Johny is, and you get higher than you would before smoking your crap. Again, around here we call that being a "Dick".

    So basically, if you don't want to be a "dick", matching bowls doesn't conserve weed.
  18. #19 Str8oFfThEtOP, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
    I guess you're right. Matching greens helps to conserve weed when you are rolling blunts and jays with friends. I will clear that up.

    EDIT- Better explanation in the original guide.
  19. When I wanna conserve my greens I grind it up and load it into a dugout. Take a few hits every now and then to keep my buzz goin. Works like a charm.

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