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Fives Tips To Conserve Cannabis In Slow Economy

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Matt Mernagh, Mar 20, 2009.

  1. Plenty of professional potheads are considering small closet grow-ops to begin paying for their cannabis during these times of economic turmoil. The industry is in great expansion mode. With plenty of opportunity. Yet some potheads are opting to cutback on their weed intake while looking for legit jobs. These tips are for them.

    Five Tips To Conserve Weed in Tough Times

    1. No Joints
    2. Make Time For Toking
    3. Do Bonghits Only
    4. Buy A Vaporizer
    5. Buy In Bulk Split With Room Mates

    Obviously rolling a giant spliff with your just bought quarter isn't something you should consider if conserving cannabis is the goal. Even a 'I Just Scored Great Cannabis Celebratory Joint' is a now a no-no. In fact any joints outside of a pitched joint with friends is no longer allowed.

    Doobies are now reserved only for sessions with friends.

    Gone are the days when you will smoke weed all day whenever you want. The cannabis conservationist will make time for their toke. Setting aside a time of day, like 420 or 820 (first commercial in prime time), too inhale their weed. Get their marijuana high on. Of course it won't be a joint instead pack a bong or weed vaporizer.

    Ensure the bong is always clean. The goal is to pack a small amount but to achieve the maximum amount of high. When making time for the toke add ice for the silky smooth hit and a beeline hemp string. These two little additions go long away in additional enjoyment, but cheap.

    Share a bong rip by slamming the side of the bowl. Not the direct center. Ripping just the corner is as effective as attempting the middle where plenty of weed is wasted. Pass the bong to the next person for their half. This is a very effective method of conserving cannabis.

    Stoners who receive severance pay often times purchase a large volume of cannabis. Do not do this. Unless of course you're becoming a weed dealer. Flip the whole amount if the goal is weed dealing. But conserving cannabis is never accomplished by purchasing a large amount with the idea of consuming small amounts.

    This never works.

    Instead use severance pay to purchase a good weed vaporizer. My personal choice is a Herbal Aire, Volcano Vaporizer or V-Tower. These weed vaporizer are excellent at boiling marijuana at the perfect temperature. With a weed vaporizer a cannabis stash will go much farther. A great marijuana vaporizer requires much less cannabis than a bong or joint while delivering a better marijuana high.

    What are your tips on conversing your toke? Is it possible to conserve pot?

  2. most of these are no-brainers, and for the people who don't have a bong, vaporizer, money, or weed, should probably spend the little amount of money they have on something they can smoke.
  3. This is what i do. I have a small pipe i use, I only pack a little bit of weed at a time. I hit small amounts of weed back to back until i reached where I want to be at.
  4. I agree with a lot of points you made. I used to smoke from morning to night, but I am definitely cutting back to nights and weekends only (sounds like a phone plan ;) ).

    What you said about buying in bulk is very true also. One time I bought a 1/2 ounce so it would be "cheaper" and I ended up burning it in 3 weeks instead of the usual 1/8th lasting me a little over a week.

    Cool article man :smoke:
  5. first off, im amazed a half ounce lasted you three weeks, before i started conserving extremely an oz would last me three days by myself. second i think bongs are just as wasteful as a joint, instead i just either load a popper or two in one of my pipes, or use my vaporizer. But the bad thing is my whip has cracked, and so i rarely use it.
  6. All I've gotta say is One Hitters. Most effective, efficient, stealthiest and cheapest way to get high.
  7. #7 genocide.monkey, Mar 21, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 21, 2009
    another thing, if you are a fairly heavy smoker, and its hard to take a t break, just lock your stuff up and give your key to a trusted friend for a day, then that night, take only one or two hits. from then on, just never go over that amount, and your tolerance can never really build up to high.

    also, i find that being sober for a while can give me some freaky head feelings, like when your on the verge of smoking too much.

    oh yeah, the best and cheapest way to conserve, is to go to your local head shop, and get a 2 dollar keychain pipe
  8. Honestly, I always thought cornering was just the polite thing to I kinda just do it out of habit.
  9. So fucking true.
  10. Vaporizers are probably the best way to conserve bud and get the most efficient high and value out of your smoke. But if you can't dish out the cash right away gravity waterfall bongs are the way to go. Not only can they be made out of cheap or simple household items but they're the next efficient you waste little to no smoke especially if you're cornering the bowl.
  11. Bong Rips it is for me, especially since I have been smoking on nothing but my Diesel for the past month. I save around $400 a month this way...

  12. I got a vape from GC here a while back and I enjoy it immensely, but it seems like I go through alot more smoke than usual with it.

    This is it (It is ok to post GC shop links I hope.)

    Would I be better off getting one of the smaller Vapes, or just use a smaller bong or pipe?
  13. Smoke out of a bowl only. Place a quarter or nickel on top to stop it from burning after you take a hit. Leave it there for a little bit then take a small puff to clear the inside. After a week or two of this you can scrape the hell out of your bowl and smoke many resin bowls. It's a good way to make what you have go a long way!
  14. what i do is i break off however much i plan to smoke that day and limit myself to that much, and put the rest in back in the jar. if i have all of it available i'll smoke more than if i have a certain amount. plus if i'm with other people and they want me to load another bowl or match them again i can just say that's all i have with me, cause it's true.

  15. i wish i would of thought of that earlier. i have a small pippe and watch my weed burn after i hit it. Now ima keep a nickle/quater around me to put it on top of the bowl, Lately i've been using my thumb and i dont like my fingers stinking like ash. + rep for being helpful to a retard like me
  16. I keep my medicinal in a pill container and I usually break off a tiny nug so i can cover my bowl hole so nothing falls through and i just throw in the shake that collects at the bottom from the repeated breaking off of nugs. Also breaking your weed up does get you more high! I have a strong belief in this. When you break up weed it pulls much much smoother resulting in major rips which will leaving you coughing and undoubtedly high
  17. #17 turbonacular, Mar 22, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 22, 2009
    pretty cool :)
    I'm not sure if this was already said, but you can do some of those smoke kisses too :smoking:
    I've also inhaled into a bag before and close it, then rehit it... if that makes sense... I know it sounds stupid, but If you really want to save it... :]
  18. Thats what I been doing since last summer. :wave:
    An 8th would last me 2 or 3 weeks. smoke every other day.
  19. since my second grow bust (in one year '08 was ugly) i've had to learn to conserve. very tough for me. im used to plentiful and variety. its difficult for med ppl b/c the more medicinal marijuana they have the healheir they are. growing three or four plants is a great way to get a good personal stash.
  20. Spending severance on anything other than bills and food is rarely good advice in a bad economy ;)

    A small one hitter is far more efficient than anything other than a vape, also. Bongs are really not all that efficient they just get you very ripped quickly with large volumes of smoke.

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