9/11 was an inside job

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Cosmored, Mar 12, 2009.

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  1. Cosmored, you remind me of the three monkeys. Open your eyes and ears and you will find the truth. Trying to prove a conspiracy theory will not lead you to the truth.

  2. ---------------------------
    "Cosmored, you remind me of the three monkeys. Open your eyes and ears and you will find the truth. Trying to prove a conspiracy theory will not lead you to the truth."

    You're not going to impress thinking people with handwaving posts. You'd get laughed out of the debating hall for your last two posts. So would papabull.

    Now please address post #1596.

    The quote function works for everyone else but not for me. Doesn't anyone think that's strange?

    This is not the first time I've had technical problems on forums.
  3. They go to great lengths to silence you but still you keep going. They will kill thousands to conceal the things you are trying to reveal. Ever wonder why you haven't just disappeared without a trace yet?
  4. Are you using a desktop or mobile, app or browser? Have you posted in the troubleshooting section to ask?
  5. ---------------------------------
    "Have you posted in the troubleshooting section to ask?"

    I never noticed the "Troubleshooting" section so thanks for pointing it out.

    I just tried to make a post there to explain the situation and the post didn't appear. Something strange is going on.

    Hey papabull-

    Objective truth-seekers don't ignore direct questions about the issues being discussed. You'd get laughed out of the debating hall for your behaviour here.
  6. LOL!!!! What do you think would happen to you at a debate hall? Demanding people read all the crap at your link a gazillion times isn't debate. It's just spam. Stupid spam at that. You should be embarrassed to see what stupid drivel you endorse. It's like handing yourself your sign. I wonder what Bill Engvall makes of that!?
  7. Was it really an inside job.? Really I Mean really really..
    Really really really.??
  8. #1608 *ColtClassic*, Jul 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2015
    9/11 was a top-down orchestrated false-flag.



  9. #1609 432, Jul 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 29, 2015
    Im not the one for conspiracys but this just seems very strange..

    If this was goin on in the 60's i can only imagine what subliminal technologies that exist today are doing to especially young minds.
    Think of Music videos, Commercials, Radio, News if you do a bit more research there a lot of information on this stuff.

    I didn't wanna make a big deal and make a topic so i just posted here, Seemed like the spot [​IMG]

  10. The 911 conspiracy thread was the best place to discuss the bullshit that is subliminal messaging.?

    I can't understand this connection at all...
  11. <blockquote class='ipsBlockquote'data-author="Dr. Sheldon Cooper" data-cid="21906078" data-time="1438862985">The 911 conspiracy thread was the best place to discuss the bullshit that is subliminal messaging.?

    I can't understand this connection at all...


    TV & Media Manipulation?
  12. Still not understanding the connection at all. Reaching pretty heavily.
  13. 9/11.. Geez i feel sorry for you.
  14. My mistake , I misread your initial post. No need to feel pity for me when I'm asking for an elaboration...

    Subliminal messaging though is bullshit though. There was no Subliminal messaging in the 60s. It's not effective in any means that has been ever studied. Unless you want to raise any evidence to support that claim.
  15. Not only has it not been proven to be effective at all, but that video could have easily been edited for all we know.

    Without a verified source for the video, which could be corroborated by multiple experts, we can't tell what is genuine.

    Youtube is a fucking oasis and a goldmine for disinformation agents, and videos like this just scream misdirection.

  16. You people seem to be trying to bury the inside job proof to reduce the number of people who see it. I guess I'll have to keep reposting it at least once on every page.

    Once people have seen it, there's nothing you can do. The proof is simply too clear. All you can do is try to keep them from seeing it.
  17. I guess if the mind is not ready to comprehend information the eyes just do not see it. Very strange indeed.
  18. you really are paranoid....

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