how much electricity can i use before the cops will notice

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by generaldahnke13, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. please all info is appriciated
  2. The conventional wisdom is that 1000w per bedroom is a safe number.
  3. i think it depended all on where u live in canada it seems like we get away with more ive seen people get away with 7 to 20 without the cops ever finding out its more pay ur bills on time and keep the smell down
  4. operating cost per hour of light. Take the lights combined wattage, divide it by 1000 to get kiliwatt used. Then multiply that number by the amount yout electric company charges per kilowatt hour. Example 400 watt uses 400 watts per hour regardless of spectrum, light wattage out put, three, 400 watt lights =1200 divide by 1000, then multiplt that number,( 1.2 )x Cost per kiliwatt hour.. In my case its .07per hr, so .07 x 1.2 =.08 per hour x 24x30= cost per month=60.48 to run three 400watt lights for a month. that dosnt include fans, AC units ,vent system,other lights Etc. thats happy the basic formula. So you ask your self what kind of a jump in my bill would look unusual ? my thinking is around 100 bucks we should be ok. ? Happy growing
  5. You would need to be running a big op drawing several thousand kilowatts per hour before you would get noticed. Just pay your bill on time and don't steal electricity, that will get you nabbed faster than the amount you use.

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