any active/reserve military members that smoke?

Discussion in 'General' started by Nimitz87, Mar 7, 2009.

  1. as the title says...who here is active or reserve in ANY branch of the US military that smokes?

    if so a few questions

    why, with suck a risk?

    how do you get past the random drug screenings?

    if active duty, what about the weekly checks on your living quarters? again randomly.

    this is NOT a thread to discuss why such a person would serve in the armed services, and please do NOT turn this into a political debate. thanks:smoke:

  2. I'm active duty right now and can't fucking wait to get out.

    I only smoke when I go on leave since you never know when a DT will show up unless you're real chill with the person in charge of the drug tests.

    our barracks only get checked once a week, but you are forced to lock your dresser, and no one looks in their, so you CAN hide shit in there, but i definitely would not. if they had any suspicion, they could easily get the base security and their dogs in your room.

    its a much better idea to wait until you're high enough rank to get your own place. the shitty part about the laws is that the most benign drug in the world (weed) is illegal, so people like me have to resort to more dangerous drugs since they can get out of your system in a weekend. Believe me, there are a LOT of people that use coke in the military.

    im going home next week and smoking for the first time in a year and a half. I CANT WAIT. im also looking for shrooms/acid, but i cant find those anywhere.
  3. that dosnt really suprise me that they use coke, but why dont you just use shrooms? and im not in the army thinkin about it though most likely not gunna happen though.
  4. I don't do anything with coke LOL. I stay away from that stuff.

    I LOVE shrooms. I just can't find any.

    If you do decide to join the military, please do not join the army or the marines. Jesus. Please do not even think about it. Also, go as a reservist but as an airmen or a seaman. Active duty blows BALLS.

  5. [​IMG]
  6. I'm in the canadian military and smoke. They won't drug test you unless they have suspicion your using drugs. I only smoke on weekends off, and would never ever hold anything on me on base, that's just asking to get busted, consider we can have inspections anywhere from 1-5 times a week.

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