one of my craziest highs so far...(long story yo)

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by jimboob, Jan 13, 2009.

  1. So last friday i was at my cousins house. it was me, my lil bro, one cousin who smokes and one who doesnt. my aunt and uncle go out to dinner, so we decided to smoke. Broke out the brand new pipe, and my lil bro had the weed, which was supposed to be "amazing". took a huuuuge first hit. the three of us smoked for bout a half hour while my soer cousin stayed inside. we couldnt even finish off the bowl. it was hittin us hard, almost too hard.

    My lil bro has got to be the funnest person to smoke with. he doesnt annoy me at all and we both know when to cool it. He started talking in this Arabian accent and was preaching to me. all of a sudden i got these really good ideas, so my sober cousin got me a pen and paper to write it all down. what i wrote makes almost no sense now but i remember while i was high it was like a second language to me. My sober cousin made popcorn to cover the smell, and i kept calling it "Arabian fool's gold." at one point all the Arabian stuff was really buggin me out, so i locked myself in the bathroom for a while. when i opened the door, my bro would just look at me and go "HAMMARABI CODE!" funniest shit ever.....

    my cousin at this point was buggin worse then all of us. we had to tell him to cool it because he was being so loud we were worried about the neighbors callin the cops. so he got kinda pissed i guess and went down in the basement, i go to check on him and he's got the tv full blast and playing (trying to play) Mario cart. I rember the music was like a Mexican Fiesta and i was dancing all the way down the steps, my cousin was on the floor laying on his side, screaming with the controler in his hand. he was still on the title screen. at this point i knew he was seriously freaking out, because i was starting to loose it too.

    we tell him to cool it again and he goes upstairs. the rest of us are chillin in the basement when we hear him screaming again...we run upstairs and he's in the kitchen, on his knees, with like a 6 pack of yogurt smashed all over the floor. that kinda sobered me and my bro up, and we helped my sober cousin clean it up. we left so my sober cousin diddnt have to cover for all of us when my aunt and uncle came back.

    I honestly felt bad about driving my lil brother home high. we sat and kinda talked about it for a while. i told him we would go a few blocks away, and hang out there to sober up. he was cool with that so we chilled out for a while. After what seemed like 2 minutes, my mom calls my brother....convo went like this

    Ma: Where are you?
    bro: On our way home from aunt *****
    Ma: Where are you?
    bro:...we're comming home
    Ma: your aunt said you left over 45 minutes ago (my aunt lives maybe 5 minutes away)
    bro: we stopped at 711
    ma: for 45 minutes?
    bro: i couldnt find my hat so it took awhile (hey he doesnt know how to lie yet...)
    ma: come home right now

    So all i could say was "...we're fucked". My bro and i decide to stop with the excuses and fess up. Sort of like pleading guilty instead of going through an entire trial wasting everyones time and pissing everyone off....luckily for us, in a moment of sober completly amazing quick thinking, i get an idea. I call up my dad, tell him whats up, tell him we didnt want to drive because we smoked, and if he could come pick us up. That got us off the hook, my dads cool with smoking to begin with, and the fact that i didn't want to risk driving made him even happier.

    We get home, get a lecture from my mom which unfortunatly sobered me up, went to bed and had a crazy ass dream.

    The only thing that sucked was that i didn't get a chance to chill out and listen to music, but i don't think it was that kinda high anyway. this high made me think more. It made me borderline hallucinate. Im extremly grateful we had someone sober with us, especially to help take care of my cousin who was freakin out. Best part was even though he never smoked before, he didnt kill our highs and remained calm. he actualy made my high even better at some points, breakin up the chaos and stuff. Me and my bro called him and thanked him for bein so cool bout everything. he said he actually thought it was fun. He kicks yea that was actually pretty damn long, just wanted to get that out there...
  2. Those people rock to have around!

    I think I could never be one of them because I would get too jealous and wanna get high, but that's another story! Haha!
  3. damn thats a sick straight edge cousin. all of my straight edge cousins make fun of the stoners in the family....
  4. Hah reminds me of my best friend's little sister

    She's in grade 10 and doesn't smoke but we go to his house and she cooks us food, LOTS of food :)

    Grill cheese and the whole bit, and not just for me and him but for 6 people haha.

  5. Someone get this troll outa here. It's a fucking story forum, no need for your /b/ bullshit here.
  6. Been a lurker for a long time but I had to post. I'm sitting in class just geekin out at this...the part where you go downstairs and the mario kart music sounds like an intense fiesta, hahahahaha

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