Where does your marijuana come from? Part II.

Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by amsterdamage, Nov 20, 2008.

  1. I know this is long but it's an amazing look into the the cartels and the gangs that help them operate in the US.


  2. My weed comes from. . . .

    well, it doesnt have to go far.

    that was a good read though
  3. I thought so too, Cali. The big deal about this is that it was the violence conducted by gangsters that spurred people into action to demand an end to the alcohol prohibition.

    That hasn't happened with the marijuana prohibition simply because the bulk of the violence happens in Mexico.

    But as the article says, that violence is coming here. Right now the cartels are reluctant to conduct all out violence here but things are changing for them and they're going to have to change what they do or they'll loose their market position.

    If they get aggressive here people will demand safety. There is NO way the police can keep us safe from the cartels. The ONLY thing that can get rid of them is to end the prohibition and control marijuana with the same laws we use for alcohol.
  4. http://www.bloomberg.com/apps/news?pid=20601086&sid=aBOsYITCiNu4&refer=latin_america

    Prohibition equals drug dealers, easy access to marijuana by minors, and corruption of police and politicians.

    The issues regarding how we should control marijuana are not how safe or risky marijuana is, but how effective or dangerous the control strategy is. By far the best policy available is the one we use for alcohol. We need to control marijuana with the *same laws* we use for alcohol!

  5. my weed comes from nextdoor

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