fuck me life

Discussion in 'General' started by jminnich500, Oct 22, 2008.

  1. Way to go. Think of all the poor hidden pot plants in that forest you burned. :rolleyes:


  2. afd im going to kick your ass untill your head falls off, then im going to kick your head than your ass again
  3. :laughing::poke:

  4. :cry: why you pokin me bish

  5. damn . . .

    what have we learned from this?
  6. #46 Leapfrog, Oct 29, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2008

    A simple match would have done it, too. ;)
  7. matches arnt as bombastic nor fantastic
  8. catching a forrest on fire ultimately helps it by making the soil more fertile and more able to grow more life.

    Thats why forest fires are a natural thing. A bad thing, but natural.

  9. lol :D

    haha this comment made me laugh
    mattsass3 (3 hours ago)
    maybe if Helen Keller looked where she was going this would not have happened
  10. Attention whore much..
  11. awee :cry:

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