how do you feel about stickers on hats??

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Miss Does, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. agreed, retarded. Only seen black kids do it, but over the last 6 or 7 years lots of wiggers wear it. Nowadays i've seen more and more "other" people doing that shit too. Don't get it. I think it looks stupid, i always laugh at people with that shit.
  2. I remember a few years ago some guy had a new era cap that had had the sticker taken off, and i heard somebody say "buying a cap and taking the sticker off is like getting a prostitute and not shagging it"

  3. It's a sticker.... Not that serious. I keep the stickers on my New Era hats, not flex fits and such.

    It's no different than if the hat had a certain stitching that people liked. Get over the fact that its a sticker, it's just part of the style.

  4. [​IMG]
  5. I also collect 59fifties, keep the sticker on some, take it off some. It's very common to see both black and white people do that around here, but I agree if the hat is getting old the sticker gotta go. I think it's appropriate when ur trying to look fresh, plus idc what others think and I think it looks cool

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