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how do you feel about stickers on hats??

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Miss Does, Sep 30, 2008.

  1. i just wanna know... what do you guys think....

    i just dont understand how it got started ... its just... odd.. i pull stickers off hats every chance i get (w/ willing "victims")
  2. want them to know its OFFICIAL nfl wear. and so forth.

    just like when people on here title a thread..."the OFFICIAL...."

    but other then that i have no clue
  3. I don't mind if people keep their stickers on....I take them off right away but to each their own
  4. no offense to anyone whatsoever w/ this question yeah i know they want it to know its genuine but do u leave the tags on your clothes ? i guess im just a dont give a fuck attitude i have my new era flat brims but stickers come off before i even leave the store it makes me smile to see other people shocked at my actions :D
  5. SO people know how much god damn money they just spent on a hat:rolleyes:
  6. I have no strong feelings one way or the other

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  7. hats are hella expensive now..?
  8. I don't get the sticker on the hat...I think its kinda pretty douchy...
  9. makes them shits look fresh!, but yo for real when somebodys gotta grimy ass hat with the stickers still on it looks straight bad
  10. this is true, i just took my sticker off today after years and it looked different, not in a good way. i think the gold shine adds appeal to it
  11. Just in case they want to exhange or refund it.
  12. to show how big your head/brain is... overcompensating much?
  13. Gotta say I'm not into it, but it's amazing how many people are.
  14. I collect fitteds....
    You want all your gear looking as if it's brand new, loses value if the sticker is off.
  15. I dont mind the stickers..its when people that leave the tags hanging on them that irks me.
  16. the stickers must go!!! and break in your damn brim for god sake! whats even more rediculous is when people leave the friggin tags and shit dangling off their hats or shoes. we get it, you want attention. "hey everyone, lets ooow and ahhh over this guys brand new hat":rolleyes:
  17. its been a very long time since ive posted in this thread.. i still hate stickers on hats! Anyone else with me??
  18. Fo Shizzle. :wave:
  19. meh I don't really care. It's just to show you got the legit shit and not the knock off. I don't buy brand name stuff though, but if it makes you feel better go for it.
  20. Leaving anything on a newly purchased hat is just absolutely effing stupid. But whatever floats your stupid boat.

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