Amy Winehouse "Hash Overdose"

Discussion in 'General' started by hai2u, Sep 1, 2008.

  1. ^^exactly. this women is a disgrace...i have no sympathy for someone who KNOWS they have a problem, but CHOOSES not to get help.
  2. lol this article made me laugh if anything. how can they even think it was "marijuana poisoning" when everyone knows how much other crazy shit shes on. they mention e, ketamine, coke and all this shit and then jus throw weed in the mix??? whoever wrote this article needs to light up a fat blunt n chill
  3. I read this just before loggin onto GC today, not 20 minutes ago.
    Laughed out loud, and posted a comment on the article.
    I said (and I quote)
    "Hash Overdose"? Please, the girl obviously can't handle her smoke. Unless she did 1500 pounds in about a half hour...

  4. Maybe that's because it's possible.
  5. waste of hash if you ask me i wouldnt ever do that for one thats just insane 2 its pointless bc you can only get high to a certain point and after that you become sober
  6. fuck them all, ive been high for like 48 hours straight on numerous drugs, its not much seeing the "what drugs have you done" thread but fuck amy winehosue is a weak bitch
    edit: and now people use that bitch as an example of why pot shouldnt be legalized. she is a disgrace to humanity
  7. Amy Winehouse is my hero. :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love:
  8. I could find about a million trashy homeless bums with 3 times the human character as that disgust called "Amy". Why does the media even pay her any attention?

  9. While it's possible to overdose on cannabis, it's not possible to suffer a lethal overdose.
  10. Of course you can over-dose on weed newbs, it's a called a stoner nap.
  11. ahah there should be a thread about these
  12. yea it hurts like a bitch though, it hits you quicker but the high isn't anywhere near as good as if u parachute it
  13. stop spreading tabloid bullshit
  14. HA, Amy Winehouse is a crockpot of drugs. The only way I'd even humor such a theory is if someone who exclusively smoked cannabis displayed these symptoms.
  15. Hahaha word :smoke:
  16. I've overdosed and haven't died.

    There is no way to overdose on MJ btw.
    I've gone on 3 month long MJ "binges" and nothing has happened.
    When I say binges that means more than just smoking all the time.
  17. Such BS. I hate the media for this crap, at least be consistent in the misinformation they constanly spout. "Technically" speaking the amount it would take to OD on marijuana is ~40,000 times more than it takes to just get high. Which is pretty much physically impossible to accomplish.

    so yea, another reason I hate amy winehouse.
  18. HER second overdose was in July – when she inhaled an “inhuman” amount of hash that left her vomiting uncontrollably and hallucinating."

    The hallucinating, I can believe. I had some Afghani once.....

    And the vomiting too- plain old smoke inhalation can do that to you! You start coughing uncontrollably, the gag reflex cuts in and you vomit. Staying up like that is not going to help matters, either. And the girl just mixes her drugs too much. I expect she will eventually OD.

    But OD on cannabis? Nap time! In the 1800s a dude tried to poison a dog with a god-awful amount of INJECTED cannabis extract - dog slept, dead to the world, for 4 days...woke up hungry! :rolleyes:

    Granny :wave:
  19. ROFLMFAO. I second that motion.

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