Feeling spaced out or feel like you're in a dream?

Discussion in 'General' started by M369, Aug 16, 2008.

  1. I remember telling my friend everything looked hazy and clay-mated. He thought I was high as fuck. Thats what got me worried but just remember that this is how life was before your experience and this is how it will always be, accept that its normal and you'll feel better. Drink plenty of water and get enough sleep too until you start feeling yourself again which took me a couple weeks and still every now and then I feel funny for a couple minutes :p
  2. Hi Luke. I have suffered from strange spaced out dizziness for about 10 years everyday and it's an emotional drain and makes you think of suicide so i know where you are coming from. I went to many doctors and had all kinds of tests which all came back clear. Just recently i have improved alot and what i did was see a psychriatric nurse who reccomended i start on 15mg of mirtazapine. I took it and still do PLUS i totally changed my diet. I cut out all fizzy drink crap ( even diet) and bread products.. started eating tons of raw almonds, apples, and oily fish and i do some occasion light exercises like jogging on the spot for a few minutes and going for walks, stretches etc etc. I don't feel completely normal like i did when i was in my teens but i have improved to the point where i rarely even notice the strange spaced out feeling unless i really focus on it and even then i can easily ignore it now. I would suggest you try changing your diet to a similar one to the one i mentioned above and try to get some regular exercise just to see if it helps at all. You must do it for a sustained period of time though, don't try it for a couple of weeks then give up if it doesn't help much. I once believed i was stuck with that feeling forever but i have managed to improve it so i know you can too. good luck! :)
  3. I feel this way too, and honestly I think its the weed.
  4. Depersonalization prob

  5. Thanks, I will try this :)
  6. "I constantly felt like i was in a daze trapped in between a dream world and reality"

    That's kind of the effect I was going for, for awhile when I was smoking a lot of everyday. I didn't realize this was what it really was.

  7. Technically everything is an illusion.. So maybe the unmentionables were telling you that.
  8. i just realized, M369 is actually matt369 and has changed his username. :O
  9. hello,
    im 15 and i descovered this about 4/5 days ago!
    since then iv been feeling like iv been going mad, not being able to feel any feelings, just feeling like its not me doing all the stuff i do, lke speaking to people or even going to the shops!
    so when i found this it was a BIG releif!
    im only young so it scared me alot, so thankyou SO MUCH for this article! means so much to know that your not going insane!
  10. Firstly, I can't thank you enough for sharing this.
    I'm in my first year of college now and the first time I felt this was in my seventh grade. I could relate to EVERY FREAKING WORD you said. It would happen whenever I'd think about it. Like something that's triggered only when I think about it. It used to happen twice or thrice a week and last for any time from ten seconds to a few minutes. I just needed to get distracted by something and not think about it. Everything seems like a dream. I dont realise why I'm doing something. When i talk I feel like someone else is talking and I'm detached from my body. When a person talks to me it feels like they're very far away and you're not mentally present with them. It's scary when I cant "feel" my mom's love. I kept ignoring it this way, till about a month ago. This feeling started troubling me. I started to think I'm going insane. I couldn't explain to anyone what I was feeling. I screwed up my semester examinations because of this. They all said "its all in your head". Well of course it's all in my head. But last night I told this to a friend of mine. And he said he feels the exact same way sometimes. "detached from the rest of the world, everything seems like an illusion". I finally started feeling normal again, knowing that I'm not entirely alone. And today, My boyfriend found this page and made me read it. And believe me, I was in tears reading the thread. I finally feel completely sane again. 
    So now the question arises...How do we fight it? Well if you ask me, here's what I'm trying to do:
    Step 1: Be okay with it. Accept that it's a normal thing that happens to people. Just like deja vu.
    Step 2: Tell yourself THIS IS REALITY. YOU AREN'T DREAMING. Don't just say it. Believe it.
    Step 3: Slowly "blend" the two worlds together, so that your "dream state" (as I call it) wont exist anymore. And you'll be in "reality" forever. :)
  11. Is it okay to be smoking weed if i have really bad panic attacks and depersonalization because if you ask me its weed that triggered these problems :(
  12. #292 JimmyTbag, Jan 2, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 2, 2014
    I definitely had something like this about 2 years ago and it lasted a few months. I'd find myself thinking about abstract ideas like "I wonder if everyone else is just a part of my imagination" and stuff like that. I was smoking everyday too and certainly felt like I was in a dream world. I felt like I had a higher understanding of life than everyone around me (it took just 1 pshychedelic experience to realise that actually no one really has the slightest clue as to what we're doing here) and I felt alienated from people around me, even close family. I thought I was going crazy. At one point I got really interested in the relationship between weed and schizophrenia and was convinced I was developing it. It's all cool now. I'm not sure how it stopped but I think if you get to this point then weed probably isn't doing you any favours. I'd say go on a t break for a while I think just from the amount of people who have responded with similar experiences you can see that weed is often a likely cause/factor. Does anyone know if there's anything legit written up on this relationshipSent
  13. I have felt like this for 11 years now. I drive myself crazy in my own thoughts sometimes. I find myself having to constantly rub my foot on something or move around to reassure myself im in real life. Ive cried to my family about it and told doctors as a child but never got an answer or any sort of relief. Anyone remember the plastic/glass toys that looks like it has a bunch of plastic nails in it? And you stick your face or hand in it and the nails (whatever they are) make out the pattern? I feel like my backside of my body is stuck rubbing up against those. I would say these episodes last about 3-4 days at a time..when I go to sleeping thinking about it I wake up thinking about it even harder. I noticed when i was signing in to comment that this is like a weed forum? Could this possibly be a form of trauma from a way we felt while we were doing drugs? The first time I ever smoked weed I freaked out. I felt like this but way worse. The next day I went to school and thought I was still high and it scared me so bad I went to my teacher crying telling her what I did. Years later I smoked weed everyday and felt just fine..all of a sudden my good highs turned into bad highs and it was like the first time all over again. I haven't smoked weed in about 4 years and this dreamy spacey feeling happens all the time. I must say I've had a hard time this morning and just getting on here and reading this has made me feel better!!
  14. We know who you are

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  15. Holy shit this is old

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  16. this is a dissociative disorder.
  17. I realize this was from 4 years ago but bro, unfortunately that's a possible side effect of pot. It's kind of like the memory thing... As much as I hate to admit it, pot has contributed to making my memory shitty. I've also suffered from DP/DR for a short while before and it was awful - I'd recommend to anyone here experiencing it laying off the pot for a couple days, and if you're willing, medicate with any one of several psychedelic unmentionables that can greatly affect one's life for the better (and very rarely for the worse)

    "She was living in a single room with three other individuals. One of them was a male and the other two, well the other two were female. God only knows what they were up to in there. And furthermore, Susan, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised to learn that all four of them habitually smoked marihuana cigarettes..... REEFERS"
  18. I got this feeling a few months ago after smoking weed and totally freaked out, I thought I was going to stay that way forever so I was getting extremely nervous.  I stayed that way for about a week until i forced myself to feel normal again.  You have to understand that this is a mind game, its all about the way you think so you need to just act normal and try your best to be as normal as possible.
    I got the feeling again last night when I smoked and I just walked it off and stayed relaxed and eventually I came back into my body within a couple hours and I feel 100% good now
    -Get some air
    -Start describing things around you such as signs, reading licence plates, describing plants
    -Just relax and tell yourself that feelings pass
    -Try to stay as present as possible, don't think about your future just concentrate on now
    -Drink some water
    -Talk to someone (or just yourself) and tell them exactly what happened in your day and when you started feeling this way because this will keep you grounded 
    -Don't go near traffic! 
  19. Paxil for awhile helped train my brain not to dwell. The detached daze went away.

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  20. I actually cried so much when I found this thread, not because it made me sad but because I finally felt like I had an answer! I have been feeling fuzzy headed, spaced out and everything was like looking through a dream for about two weeks on and off. I eventually went to the doctor but it was really hard to describe to him exactly how I felt. He asked me if I had ever been diagnosed with anxiety, I told him I hadn't and passed it off (thinking to myself that I am not an anxious person, this has nothing to do with how am feeling). He ordered me an ECG and a blood test, the only thing that came back from these was a low hormone in my thyroid, all I wanted was to know what is wrong with me and why I feel like this.
    So anyway I want to ask anyone that is kind enough to answer: Could I be suffering from this anxiety disorder, derealisation, if I am not typically anxious. As in I am able to get up in the mornings and be happy and able to love those around me, am able to go out and about independently and not have panic attacks. The one thing I do feel anxious about is having something medically wrong with me (and I hate to say it but, dying at a young age) these are worries and thoughts that I just can't seem to get out my head and probably think about it on a daily basis. Thanks for any help and advice in advance.

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