Hashmouf's: "Cook Book of Reefer Madness" Recipe Guide Gallery

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by Hashmouf, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. Budder Homes & Gardens

    i like it!
  2. someone needs to up date this......................getting hungry!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Promise GC 1 recipie a week from now on :p
  4. you must have a ridiculously high tolerance with all the bud you put on your recipes. or your making the butter wrong and its loosing potency, but I doubt that because of all the good reviews your get. I smoke a nice joint and get stoned for like 2-4 hours. I can only imagine what one of your edibles will do to me.
  5. sorry to double post but I got a recipe idea...salad dressing or pasta sauce
  6. Come back!
  7. do you have any thing for the stoner on a budget?
  8. Digging this thread! I may have to throw down some recipes to add to the top post of OP doesn't mind.

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