True or false ?

Discussion in 'General' started by somerandomdude, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. false

    np loves classic rock.

  2. True

    Np likes Britrock
  3. False

    Np has pancake nipples
  4. False
    Np Love seafood
  5. True . I love fish.
    Np has an open mind to new ideas
  6. False. I'm pretty close minded haha.

    Np loves cold weather?
  7. Well that's not good !
    Cold and warm love them both.
    Np has hiked over 100 miles in one duration
  8. #75169 jeywix, Oct 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2015
    False. At one time? Hell no. I did three days of walking around Vancouver non stop and I might have gone 70 km in that time... Which is way less than miles... Lol

    NP is the smartest in their family
  9. Good god no lol
  10. Absolutely... lol
    NP has a hairy back
  11. False

    Np pays their bills on time
  12. True. Mostly. The cell bill slips sometimes.

    NP likes the smell of their own farts
  13. #75174 Didal, Oct 9, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 9, 2015

    NP likes fly by aeroplane.
  14. Hmm. I'd rather go by car. Haha long car drives are relaxing as all hell!!! Haha

    Np goes to the gym?
  15. Truuuue

    Np likes to drive fast [​IMG]
  16. False.... I mean I don't necessarily follow the speed limit but I don't go superfast
    Np regrets going to their field of work
  17. True. I was pushed in by my parents and I always regret it but I'm too broke right now to change.

    NP has a gross pair of favorite underwear they won't throw away.
  18. False. Throw those shitty as things away as soon as the waistband is worn out.
    Np has been so drunk they pissed themselves
  19. False unless you count getting a little piss on my shoes or even my pants while taking a leak.

    Np has blacked out from drinking to much and woke up to not remember much if anything?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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