True or false ?

Discussion in 'General' started by somerandomdude, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. #67821 J.Raptor, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2014
    kind of expected a story with the true or false :/
    True, I just saw a french movie where marion cotillard didnt have any legs and she still was sexy
    NP would punch a baby for 500k dollars

    I thought about it and although I'm not very strong I really wouldn't want to kill the baby and go to prison.
    Np likes Star Wars 4-6 but hates 1-3
  3. #67823 Kroptonik, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2014

    Np will see a vahjeen tonight in person
  4. #67824 queball78, Apr 24, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 24, 2014

    Np thinks trailer park boys is a great show

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  5.'s alright. It is one of the shows that is so retarded that it's kinda funny. I can only take so much of it though.
    Np is ready for the weekend already!
  6. everyday is the weekend. so yes
    likes smoking more weed then is good enough for his/her own good
  7. False. I don't smoke that much but I do enjoy it.

    Np loved Pokemon when they were a kid

    Sent from my iPod touch using Grasscity Forum
  8. True, I still love Pokemon.

    Np loves eating pussy.

    Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  9. Awww yeah, pokemon bitches!

    Anyways, tralse, loved my ex's pussy, but not many have been that sweet.

    Np plays hacked versions of pokemon games
  10. Nope. Never liked the pokemon games, actually.

    NP has had a secret crush on at least one anime character.
  11. False, no offense to any fans but I heavily despise anime

    Next poster prefers water over soda
  12. True.  
     NP secretly masturbates to felicia rashad
  13. Never heard of her.

    Np can ride a unicycle
  14. False
    NP grows their own cannabis. 
  15. False

    Np is a cat
  16. True ;)

    NP has a small penis

    I smoke on 1/5. I was always taught to reduce fractions.
  17. True (ha ha ha)
    NP is stoned right nowwwww
  18. False I'm taking one hits of ABV and its not doing anything.
    Np has enough ABV to make edibles.
  19. Haven't had ABV in over a year... Probation unfortunately .
    Next poster has a nice car 
  20. False no vehicle currently.
    Np likes to go to market, If ya know what I mean?

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