antidepressants (any medical people look here)

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Advil, Feb 13, 2008.

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  1. It has been 2 months since I started meds (Lexapro) and I was wondering how bad it would be if I quit cold turkey. I\'m tired of not being able to masturbate I\'m tired of feeling jittery and fake all the time I\'m tired of having to take 4 melatonin or a couple benedryl just to fall asleep just to wake up 5 hours later and have to eat because my stomach starts hurting like crazy.

    I don\'t care if I\'m depressed as long as I\'m myself, plus I can smoke weed every once in a while whenever I get it and that will help. Pot has never made me feel fake and it has always made me feel happy though people around me don\'t think I\'m happy because I don\'t like to show it. Lexapro makes me feel overly energetic like I need to talk about random stuff and be happy and laugh and such but I feel like it\'s more like a veil.

    At the moment a bunch of random things (not good things) have been happening and I\'ve been feeling depressed for a couple days straight now so I\'ve thought about just not taking my meds because if I have to take more that means even more trouble masturbating even more trouble sleeping and staying asleep etc. and they aren\'t horrible side effects but they really really suck as opposed to just having a dry mouth and being a tad paranoid (depends on the type of plant for me, indicas freak me out a little bit and sativas are wonderful for me though I still like indicas I just have to learn to deal with them better, I\'ve never been paranoid on sativas or cross breeds)
  2. talk to your doc. you need either a new med or a new dose. You def don\'t wanna quit cold turkey. withdrawal sucks.... even of the legal stuff. If you really need the meds then there should be a diff one fo you to try that maynot have those side effects.

    I\'ve been on several anti-depressants andmood-stabilizers...... they help,but the side effects CAN be brutal. i understan where you are coming from. Talk it out with your doc and see if you can try something else.
  3. Yep all those drugs suck even if used for depression.

    Ween yourself off em slowly slowly.

    Id talk to the doctor on how to decrease your dose till you stop for best results.
  4. ask your doctor, not us....

    each person\'s body will react differently; we don\'t know how yours may.
  5. it will be bad

    going cold turkey on any SSRIs is bad

    i am on prozac and know a few people on lexapro

    dont do it if you want to get off talk to your physchtrist about it
    he will prescribe you lower and lower doses until your weaned off of it

    -- the bubonic plague
  6. Yeah consult your doctor before you mess with dosage. Never know man.
  7. If you\'re feeling \"fake\", you need to change meds or your dosage. Get in touch with your doctor to see if you can try a different medication. In the meantime, I wouldn\'t recommend going cold turkey. But if you want, you could start lowering your dosage slowly, spending at least a week at the new dosage. If you\'re wondering exactly how to do that, try lowering your dosage by a half pill. (Not the same as halving your dosage!)

    When it comes to fine-tuning what works for you, you\'re pretty safe when it comes to lowering your dosage. It isn\'t nearly as big a deal as raising it, since you don\'t have to worry about exceeding the recommended dosage, tolerance effects, running out of meds early, the possibility of drug dependence, and all that other fun stuff.

    Oh yeah, in case you\'re wondering, I\'m doing Honors Psychology at university, and I\'ve been through the whole \"meds are making you feel shitty & not like yourself\" thing, so most of what I\'m saying is a rehash of how my psychiatrist & I worked on finding meds that worked for me.
  8. I quit cold turkey but I hadn\'t been taking them regularly either. Definitely consult your doctor about it.
  9. i had some pretty bad withdrawls when i was weaning off that stuff, I def wouldnt go cold turkey. Talk to your doc.
  10. yeah thats why I gave up on effexor (great drug btw) but there were always some technical difficulty that interupted a normal filling of my prescription, so i\'d always do with out for about month, and then I get it filled for a month, after that month i couldn\'t get if filled, so I was medicated then I was withdrawing...medicated...withdrawing...I didn\'t like it so I said fuck it all together...and i\'m now.....I did find that med useful, now that i\'m off of it...
  11. Dude im no doctor so i dont have much to say about that, but that SUCKS not being able to bust one.. Thatd give me the determination to get off that shit.:devious::devious:
  12. dude the worst drug to try to bust one is dxm....just try it you\'ll see what I mean
  13. do not quit lexapro cold turkey. i know the side effects suck, i can\'t have sex (maybe that was TMI but its true), but quitting cold turkey makes you feel like shit. i\'ve done it and i was jittery and shaky. i thought i was going to pass out. not fun. you need to gradually get off it. plus you need to talk to your doc about maybe something else working better for you. i did that with another med and i found my balance.
  14. yeah dude effexor gave me some weirdass/not so cool side effects...
    check this, this is what I got...quite took me awhile to pinpoint this I said Its quite weird...
  15. Hmm well my dad said that I\'m needing to just plain up the dosage because for a while I was really happy and I wasn\'t fake I just spoke more openly about things but then after a while I had another panic attack (probably after 20 ish days of being on it) and after that I\'ve been depressed for pretty much every day (except when I smoked weed or I was on acid) then I missed 2 doses so maybe that might have been it...
  16. Of course, talk to your doctor before you do anything. If you are going to stop without consulting your doctor, don\'t go cold turkey. I believe the standard is to drop your dosage twice over two weeks, then stop. At least slowly back down over a few days if you have to get off of it quickly.

    And don\'t think all SSRIs will do this to you. They are all different and your doctor has to essentially guess which one will be best for you.

    Good luck.
  17. i was on effexor xr for about 4 years and the side effects sucked. i just didn\'t realize how bad they were until i got off it. i had panic attacks even though i was on it, and i would have very weird dreams, which is a side effect of it which i think is weird. right now i am on abilify and lexapro. abilify is an anti psychotic but im on it for my mood swings. and i need to get off this lexapro because like i said before, i can\'t have sex. which sucks.
  18. I\'m no doctor (yet) but I suffer from very mild depression, my remedy is always having THC in my system, if I smoke at least once a week, I\'m fine, but everyone reacts differently to weed.
    My other suggestion..., look up DMT, and extracting it, ssri\'s are to seratonin what meth is to dopamine, only at more controlled doses, DMT may be the most intense halucinogen, know to man, but it naturally occurs in the brain and is believed to be partially responsible for dreams, anyways it is metabolized into seratonin, the chemical that you need more of in your brain, that is all I got.
  19. if its opiate based id imagine you would be feeling a bit sick for a few days, id ween yourself off it to be safe.. ask ur doctor though
  20. That prolly was it. Depending on the meds missing a couple doses makes you body jump up and say \"What the FUCK!!!!!\"

    Its not fun. Especially with the accompanying depression.
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