Pot Snobs and Immaturity

Discussion in 'General' started by theVirtuoso, Aug 20, 2007.

  1. I realize now I'm a pot snob... or just spoiled with the krip. It wasn't until a couple days ago. My buddy found a quarter of reg in his closet. Had to be old since we haven't bought reg in god knows how long. We were in a temporary drought so we said fuck it, smoked the whole thing in blunts, and before I honestly considered if I wanted to smoke it or not, many time I'd rather have a cig than reg, and thats a crazy thought. He packed a bong hit, and I didn't even want it. I'll also turn down reg if I'm smoking dank since I don't want the highs to collide. Most people I know wont use a bong or pipe if it's not krip only.

    After smoking the blunts, I couldn't even tell if I was high or not. I saw someone say they get too high after half a joint of mids. I can't tell you how much I envy you.
  2. I dont associate with schwag smokers :devious:
  3. When I have really delicious weed, I say stuff like "Friends, countrymen!! Lend my your piece, so that I can blaze you out with this fine dankity-dankness." And some people actually ask how much we can get weed for in our area? Personally, I think that's appropriate... There's good weed and there is not-so-good weed... No harm in taking a little pride in some bomb bud, right?

    But I feel ya on absolute snobbery-- it's really obnoxious when people trash other people's weed because it's a little dodgy, and I get sick of people telling me how dirt-cheap they can get good weed for.

    So I dunno... it depends on the context, I think.
  4. yea I'm pretty sure i explained it somewhere else in the thread.

    it wasn't directed at people that just smoke dank because thats what they smoke, but people who think lesser quality weed is like... evil, for a lack of better word... ya feel me? They wouldn't even touch it w/ a 10 foot blunt. (id like to smoke a 10ft blunt one day, though).

    I guess it all comes down to perspective.

    My perspective of schwag is better than most peoples, because all the schwag i get is a nice green with orange hairs, while others get schwag thats brown and bricked.

    Or the beasters I get some would call dank, because on the inside its covered in crystals, but not as much on the outside...

    area, perspective... dunno, I just feel like the people who don't agree with me don't completely understand so I'm trying to find a way that everyone understands... but is that even possible?

    and again for all the peeps sayin im jealous cuz i just smoke mids/schwag... im from the 313 bitches, what you think I smoke?
  5. lol, i feel ya!! but no, i dont think that it is possible to break it down so that EVERYONE understands, haha. simply because we are all such a diverse lot! and we all come in to the city with our own geographically and culturally induced biases. so, it'd be nice to have a common denominator but as long as one town's beasters are another town's dank and vice-a-versa, i dont think its possible...


    but props for tryin!!
  6. I prefer to only smoke dank and i usually do when i can afford it. If i'm around friends and someone has a bag of reggie or mids i usually turn it down not because i am a snob but there's no point in me smoking their shit if im about to blaze some dro.

    I mean would you rather people smoke YOUR mid and then smoke their dank? I'm not going to pressure anyone into smoking anything if they don't want to.
  7. I'd never turn down free weed, ever. Unless that shit was just straight dirt, and not dirt like some people think dirt.. I mean actual dirt that you can't believe it is actually weed.
  8. I've seen dank snobness on GC a little bit but it doesn't compare to some of the shit I run into in the real world. It seems like everytime somebody busts out some nice dank, somebody has to open their trap and tell everybody how much better their shit was, or they can get better shit. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!! It's all relative, we can all get nice dank and we've all smoked it. You ain't special!
  9. I can get an O of Dank for 250$. Cuz im cool like that. JK. All joking aside i hate fuckers like that too. Think they are the cats pajamas because they can get pot for cheap prices.
  10. Agreed! "Oh, that shit's aight.. I can get better." Well then fuck you, you don't get anymore of my weed, bitch!

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