Where does crappy weed come from?

Discussion in 'General' started by Bissle, Jun 23, 2007.

  1. I was just wondering, I have taken crap ass bag seed, grown it in not so great condition (border-line marijuana torture) and it still comes out better than that 20$ a gram crap. Ive since become immune to schwag, but the seeds from them always came out with a high-end product even in the worst conditions.

    I have since been growing some "name brand buds" for about 5 years, and the bagseed crops i had are right up there with them. So really, if I cant grow a shitty plant, then where does shitty weed come from?
  2. go to a field, plant 100 seeds, and come back in a few months when they should be about ready to harvest. u'll have schwagg
  3. I have no idea, but I'm curious as well.

    If the soil is fine and they get plenty of water, wouldn't it be more like seedy mids?
  4. I would think so Hempress. I think most of the seedy mids get turned into scwhag when they brick it and ship it 5000 miles. They dont package it right, so it drys out and turns brown.

  5. i guess so, but thats assuming your planting in a good area, and that the rain is consistent, it doesnt always rain on a good schedule for growing.. then again i'm not a grower so what do i know, i was jus assuming,
  6. I take that back, i grew a herm once, and there was no usable product really afterwords. but it was grown in isolation just out of curiosity, i didnt want to kill it before i learned all i could from it.

    I agree with hempress, even weed grown outdoors that wasnt seperated from the males will still be decent mids. But this anomoly known as schwag is everywhere, yet i havent seen how a product this horrible could come into being.

    I think a lot of schwag is the product after it's been hashed. or the potency is significantly reduced thru the smuggling that goes on with it.

    OR, maybe Health Canada is selling thier weed all over the world because not even the AIDs and cancer patients are willing to use it as medication. (article on crappy government weed)
  7. all weed starts off as mids its the way its treated

    Its not cured

    its packed into a brick

    its put in a gas tank to come over from mexico

    thats what makes it schwag this is why I could care less if it is from Mexico as long as its not brought over in a gas tank

    people think all mexi bud is bad its not! its the way its treated after it is grown

    I always buy mexi mids and cure it better then what they call "dro" is any day!

  8. Amen to that man. curing the buds is very important. a lot of people dont, and its kind of upsetting to me. When you cure your weed, you are further removing 1 carbon from the THC to make it psycho active. Just because the bud is dried doesnt meen that the THC is psychoactive. You have to "decarboxolize" the THC, which is removing that extra carbon so the THC molecule will fit through the blood brain barrier better.

  9. This is what i would say is correct--brown weed is probably in transit for more than a year before it hits street dealers.

    Not to mention the occassional smuggling by gas tank--obviously I would say the weed turns color because of extreme heat and wet conditions like sitting in gas tanks.

    im pretty sure that brown weed at one time was actually good fresh quality, but the reason it goes bad is because of the improper conditions in which its been subjected to get to the street dealers.

    obviously, there are other batches of green (mids) that people in the states get that isnt brown. Id say that these batches were grown domestically in the U.S. and cared for properly to maximize profit.--other killer strains most likely come through by canada
  10. I live somewhat near the mexican border and I have NEVER seen brown cannabis. I had bud smuggled in a gas tank ONCE, and yea you can easily tell it sucks :eek: but we get a constant supply of cheap swag from mexico yea its bricked and seedy but atleast its not old and brown and it doesnt taste like gasoline (most of the time)
  11. Theres so much mexibrick around here its crazy, you get can a pound for like 450-600.
    Growing weed is like tomatoes...its hard to fuck it up.
    Random info-NYC Diesel actually got its name from beeing smuggled in to new york in barrels of diesel fuel.

  12. thats bullshit

    its very easy to fuck up

    over watering, not enough light, not enough soil/root mass, bugs, not enough water ect.
  13. Schwag or Stress is bud that wasn't grown properly, it was stressed out. The bud wasn't given enough time to harvest or something and therefore couldn't reach it's full potential of being some decent mids like Chronic. Because all stress is is some Chronic that wasn't grown well.
  14. It is a weed.... Many grow websites will tell you that it is pretty easy. I think what most of them are trying to say is, it's easy in its natural habitat. Of course if you stick a plant in a closet without light it won't grow but if it is out in the wild and it sprouts.... It is relatively easy to grow.

  15. I don't know where to start :(
  16. what's your logic behind this?

  17. I think his logic is that if you plant a weed, it will grow
  18. Scwagg is lower quality grass and thats all,no need to get a metapysical about it...

    And to the guy who said you plant 100 seeds and you will be endowed with scwagg your wrong.

    If you did that you would just get midgrade buds and thats cause you did'nt remove the males...

    So what I'm trying to say is if you dry,cure and store a plant properly theres no point in taking care of it...You might lose 1 or 2 Oz's but that's nature.(TLC baby);)

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