2012...World Ending...Wtf

Discussion in 'General' started by aktokin, Jun 20, 2007.

  1. Well it does get some serious attention due to the fact that the Mayans pinpointed this date. The fucken MAYANS. But they surely couldn't have been right about EVERYTHING. I really don't care when the world will end. I guess it's probably bound to happen but fuck it, like the OP said, live life while you can and fuck shit up.
  2. Nah man that's not kool.
  3. Hey~

    The Mayans own you.

    Word, peace, good night.

    Seriously though, fuck em :p
  4. What do you mean they own me? I guess they own part of my heritage because I know for a fact I have Mayan ancestry.
  5. Yeah well..

    I think everyone is an idiot but me.
  6. Don't all of the planets align once in 2012 or something? Or is that another theory? Anyway, alot of old civilizations thought bad shit happens when Cosmic alighnments occur. Theres no reason anything would happen...It's just a very cool and very rare coincidence.
  7. its all about sun cycles, which scientists have proved exist. they bring ice ages, and perhaps a hot sun cycle + global warming = death to the earth.

    Just poking at theories though, either way, let it come, I'll be ready. I'm curious to know what happens when we die anyways :D

    But like I said, we don't know anything, none of us do, including everyone. Especially all those people on earth.
  8. I hope it does end in 2012, and I hope it's not a lame end like an ice age or an asteroid or some shit.

    I want zombies crawling out of the ground and volcanoes spewing molten shit and people running around on fire. And the sky should be blood red.

    Imagine the pic in Heinous Anus' signature. Wherever he is...
  9. haha lol:smoke:
  10. Well my birth day is like on december 27th, and the myth is that it will happen on the 21st or something so Im going to have a massvie party on the 20th just in case.
    Rasta_Man is right aspertame is going to cause brain cancer in all that eat mint gum and diet sodas..
  11. world ending?
  12. IF and I say IF this was correct then they are off by 12 years ...But figure that out on your own.
  13. I don't think you have to look as far into the future as 2012. I am expecting some activity to already begin in 2008 that will prove it beyond a shadow of a doubt. Actually, if nothing happens on october 29th, I will already not worry about any of this stuff anymore.

    But if there is something going on; I have already made plans to head for the hills and caves. I have friends in the Native tribes, so that is where I will head.

    If nothing actually happens in 2012, I will likely still be living there, it is a goal of mine to do this. I want to learn to live off of the land, regardless.
  14. This exact same event, the end of a Mayan calendar has happened before.
    And nothing fucking happened.
  15. this is the next y2k thing haha. do you guys remember that when everybody was like stockin up on food n shit?
  16. this shit freaked me out, but I obviously don't believe it...

    Metaphysical predictions

    2012 is sometimes claimed to be a great year of spiritual transformation (or apocalypse). Many esoteric sources interpret the completion of the thirteenth B'ak'tun cycle in the Long Count of the Maya calendar (which occurs on December 21 by the most widely held correlation) to mean there will be a major change in world order.
    • Polar Shift is a theory that on December 21st 2012 Earth will experience earthquakes, volcanic eruptions or other natural disasters.
    Accordingly, several eclectic authors claim that a major, world-changing event will take place in 2012:
    • The 1995 book The Mayan Prophecies linked the Maya calendar with long-period sunspot cycles.
    • The book 2012: Mayan Year of Destiny claims the Maya may have been instructed in their wisdom by discarnate entities from Orion and the Pleiades. Contact was maintained through shamanic rituals conducted in accordance with the movements of planets and stars.
    • However, Mayan priests living and working in Guatemala aver that the so-called Mayan Prophecy for 2012, as touted by various foreign New Agers who have no knowledge of Mayan culture, language, or religion, is twaddle.
    • The 1997 book The Bible Code claims that, according to certain algorithms of the Bible code, a meteor, asteroid or comet will collide with the Earth.
    • The book The Nostradamus Code speaks of a series of natural disasters caused by a comet (possibly as above) that will allow the third Antichrist to disperse his troops around the globe under the guise of aid in preparation for a possible nuclear war, although in the strictest sense it is unspecific as to nuclear war or some other natural or man caused destruction.
    • The book The Orion Prophecy claims that the Earth's magnetic field will reverse.
    • The 2005 book Beyond 2012: Catastrophe or Ecstasy by Geoff Stray reviews several theories, prophecies and predictions concerning 2012 and finds where authors have used faulty information or have bent the truth to fit their theories.
    • The 2006 book 2012: The Return of Quetzalcoatl by Daniel Pinchbeck discusses theories of a possible global awakening to psychic connection by the year 2012, creating a noosphere.
    • The 2007 book Apocalypse 2012: A Scientific Investigation into Civilization's End by Lawrence Joseph does not make any specific new predictions, but it reviews a number of 2012 predictions made by various sources, and presents arguments for the possible existence of dangerous positive feedback loops involving solar storms, Earth's magnetic field, cosmic rays, hurricanes, global warming, earthquakes, and supervolcanoes that may be on the verge of erupting.
    Other prophecies and apocalyptic writings and hypotheses for this year include:
    • Terence McKenna's mathematical novelty theory suggests a point of singularity in which humankind will go through a great shift in consciousness.
    • The Prophecy of the Popes, attributed to Saint Malachy, speculated that Pope Benedict XVI would reign during the beginning of the tribulation of which Jesus spoke, and sometime later a future pope described in the prophecy as "Peter the Roman", the last in this prophetic list, would appear, bringing as a result the destruction of the city of Rome and the Last Judgment.
    • Some proponents of a peak oil catastrophe place major events in 2012. Richard C. Duncan's book The Peak of World Oil Production and the Road To The Olduvai Gorge claims that the Olduvai cliff will begin and permanent blackouts will occur worldwide. Several studies predict a peak in oil production in or around 2012. [10] [11] [12]
    • Some alien-enthusiasts (e.g. Riley Martin), along with some new-agers, believe 2012 to correspond approximately with the return of alien "watchers" or "caretakers" who might have helped the first human civilizations with developing their technology and may have been waiting for us to reach a higher level of technological and/or social advancement. Beliefs range from the extra-terrestrials having benevolent purposes - such as to help human society evolve - to malevolent purposes - such as enslavement of mankind and/or manipulation.
    • There is a Hindu following indicating the appearance of an Avatar (God in human form) with God-like powers who will herald a new age. A website to this effect appears at: End of the World 2012.
  17. :eek:

    hopefully it wont happen!
  18. i hope they are wrong,,,, i wont to die knowing that my 6-yr. old son,,, has hit some pussy...:rolleyes:

  19. people of different races do have different mentalities

    and according to some da vinci code type bullshit where people analyze letters in the bible the world is gonna end due to a war in the middle east, which would make pretty good sense if you ask me since the jewish people over there are the only ones in the world who are allowed to have nuclear weapons
  20. Invest money in bomb shelter stocks, it'll sky rocket come 2011.


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