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Passed A hair follicle drug test

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by growman944, May 29, 2007.

  1. I passed!!!!! I heard from employer that I start on the 28th, so I am assuming that means I passed the test!

    Recap of my story: I am a 23 year old female with LONG brown hair. I smoked about every night or every other night for years up until February 1st of good stuff. I found out mid-April I would have to take the hair test and freaked since it had only been about 75 days or so, and I have super long hair compared to everyone else on here that is male with short hair. In about 2 weeks I had to prepare, I did the Macujo method about ten times, washed daily with Paul Mitchell Clarifying 3 shampoo, took 3000-4000mg of Biotin pills a day, and did 2 baking soda washes, one the day of test. When I went to take the test it was 94 or 95 days clean, the woman cut from a few places on the back of my head and cut my strands to be about 3 or 4 inches long since from the root they are like a foot long. I'm not sure if my hair happened to be long enough there was no THC where they tested, or if all the procedures I did worked, but I passed and couldn't be happier!

    Also, I tested with Quest Diagnostics on a Monday, and the employer was informed the following Monday, and they contacted me Tuesday. The woman that cut my hair also asked me if I straightened my hair, which I do. She asked if I used product when straightening my hair because it was very burned and damaged looking... In my head I was thinking yeaaahhhh uhhh its not the straightener... its all the CHEMICALS ive been putting in my hair for 2 weeks... anyhow it was kind of funny.

    Now I'm moving across my state in a week and starting a new job in 2 weeks! Good luck to everyone out there and especially the females with long hair, since chopping all our hair off isnt exactly an easy option if your not trying to go butch. My hair feels back to normal with just normal shampoo and conditioner after a week, also im not sure how everyone else applies the vinegar and astringent but I bought a spray bottle and it made it pretty easy.

    Good luck hope you all pass. Screw the hair follicle test and whoever invented it!!!
  2. Whew! We are all Celebrating-this a fine day in the Blades!
  3. GM,
    I just got back to work from having to take a hair follicle test. I've been smoking for almost 20 years daily, and had to get it done for my whore of an ex-wifes attorney. I'm hoping and praying my efforts prior to taking the test were good enough for a pass. To answer your question, I took a 10 panel hair follicle test and before hand she asked if I would like to include hydrocodone to be tested. Apparently hydrocodone is not included in the 10 panel; but am not sure about codeine.

    Now, back to me if you don't mind, as I would appreciate any feedback. I'm freaking out cause I couldn't imagine losing my kids to anyone especially my unstable ex. Here is what I did an hour or so before the test.. I'm bald and pretty hairless all over except pubes and underarms, so I focused all efforts on my armpits (most of which burned like hell). First, I scrubbed them with gasoline until I couldn't do it anymore, then poured white vinegar and apple cider vinegar, then soaked pits with bleach, then used dog flea and tick shampoo, hydrogen peroxide, then used black people shampoo because it had a chemical in it that looked good, lice treatment, repeated several steps minus the gasoline (F@@# THAT), and finished with the Omni shampoo I picked up from my head shop.. If anyone reading this thinks I'll be in good shape or the contrary, I would appreciate hearing about it. I'm a nervous wreck! Life without my kids would be no life at all!
  4. Im in real need of some help okay,I havent used coke in almost a year, I havent used heroin in over a month, but weed im only 6 days clean, im skinny,well if 130lbs is thin okay but anyway, im going for a hair test today any advice, I bought that Zydot ultra clean shampoo,along with all kida shit i've been reading on this site,ANY SUGGESTIONS
  5. Help me i'm trying to do what ever i have to so i can pass this hair test.... I bought this zydot ultra clean shampoo along with other stuff i've been reading about, any suggestions
  6. #2146 benthamj49, May 17, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 17, 2012
    Not sure you're going to pass, sorry mate. Use the shampoo, try the gman method, that's about all you can do. It's hit or miss and since you used in the past few days (plus the unmentionables about a month back) its going to be hard to remove. Generally you need 5-7 days to get the weed out of the blood and into the hair, so that shit is still depositing in your hair right now.

    If your hair is about 6 inches long, the third unmentionable might even be in it too. About a 1/2" per month, depends on your person though (I grow about 1/55" per day and most people pull around 1/64" per day).
  7. #2147 Pinkus9909, May 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2012
    Background: I'd been smoking maybe ~1-2 times daily, medium grade on off for awhile, with an increased usage in January for ~2 weeks. Quit on the end of January, haven't smoked once since then.
    I'm 6'4'' around 250lbs, after quitting I wasn't terribly active, nor did I down water like a dehydrated dog.

    I found out I'll be HFT monday.
    I have around 3.5 months clean (~107 days).
    My hairs about 3.5'' long.

    Given my activity level, and usage whats a realistic guess for how long it stayed in my system? From this I could figure out how much hair I can lop off and still be safe-ish for the test. Assuming hair grows at .5'' a month, and a assuming my body would take 1 month to be clean, resulting in all growth following being clean (the one month period for all THC to leave my system is what I really need advice on).

    I plan on following the MAC method, what ya think my chances are?
  8. okay so its true the people who are on here saying that they passed there freakin hair test are light smokers, never fucked around with any other drugs,and have been clean for freakin over 30days what the fuck type of help are you idiots, sorry but I havent heard of anybody saying well I passed my hair follicle test by doing the dumb ass mojo or whatever the freakin name is, and saying ive been a heroin addict for nearly 10years, and I passed yea right!!!I am clean for aqlmost 30 days from opiates, i havent used coke in overv a year, and its going on almost 2 weeks clean from pot. I did the mojo methode and bought the zydot hair cleaner, my test is tomorrow at 4:30 eastern time, I will let you know whats the deal. I am going for a hospitol job, I leave it in gods hands after doing all this and staying clean... from pissed off
  9. #2149 beautifullibra, May 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2012
    Ok this is for my boyfriend he has been clean for exactly. 60 days he is African. American. 6ft 320 he wears his hair really short cuts it every two weeks sweats like crazy drinks plenty of water. He got a call for a job they want hair and piss test. He smoked once or twice a day sometimes not smoking forweeks. Ok from readg enjoyable high
    comment I will add that he tested negative in a piss test at 20 days and it was a strong negative not a faint line
  10. #2150 Enjoyable High, May 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2012

    #Pinkus99: Your post implied that you've done nothing special to engage your physiology in "Natural THC Elimination" after chronic input of pot; therefore, we will assume that from
    Feb 1 to Feb28 your at home dipstick (if conducted) would've resulted "above 50 ng". Thus, making it rational to assert supplying sebaceous glands and follicular arteries with fresh THC--in addition of THC that was in adjacent corticals from the previous 7 month's worth of hair growth.

    Given that hair grow 0.5"/month (an perhaps a slightly faster rate when going from 'bald/freshly trimmed to 0.5"), then back-calculating would yield a time-result that indicates your "THC-free" hair would appear when your current hair reaches a length of about 4.5 inches
    (i.e., 60 to 90 days from the time you began abstinence). Now, please bear in mind that the accuracy of this value is delimited by the fact you did not provide any data to show when your hepatic clearance of THC stopped--that is to say, at what point in time (length of hair) was your urine resulting "below 50 ng"? So, I just assumed you remained "pos" for 90 days from the time of abstinence. Perhaps taking the algorithm to its most absurd level.

    And this points out another detail we ought establish that would help clairfy in presenting/posting Cases: an important need for the end-user (no pun intended) to helpfully define for us exactly what they mean when saying:
    "I' ve been clean since mm/dd/yy" = ?? how you know you were clean??:confused:
    vs. "On mm/dd/yy my dipstick marijuana test resulted below 50 ng" = Thanks, that is clear and helpful!:)
    vs. "On mm/dd/yy I stopped using" = OK, so I can infer that you could still be testing above 50 ng for up to 90 days.:confused: Only you can verify whether this inference is valid or invalid by urine data.
  11. Hi guys!
    I just got an offer at a fortune 500 company, and i have a hair drug test in a week! I read the first pages of this thread, and this community seems very helpful! I guess i'm next in line in this thread..

    hair: kinda thick 1" black
    weight: 130 lbs
    height: 5'10"
    ethnicity: asian
    smoking: abstinent from weed for 45 days ago. before that, i smoked casually (3-4 times a week)

    maccujo method (vinegar + clean & clear) + tide + aloe (moisturizing shampoo)
    2 times a day & right before my test

    What are my best options to pass this test?!
  12. #2152 Enjoyable High, May 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2012

    *Climax: Is your urine still pos for THC? If so, then your follicular tissue is still being nourished by THC-laden blood.
    Thus, although you may do a macujo today for the existant hair, any new growth will be THC-laden if it is un-macujoed by HFT time.
  13. i dont think my urine is thc pos because i havent smoked for 1.5 months! what does that mean?
  14. *"You don't think your urine is THC pos? " Without doing a U-test how do you really know this as true? Help us out here. Maybe you're an outlier or maybe you fall into the bell curve's sweet spot.
  15. well my fellow smokers today is my test, i' have been a real good boy/girl and did what I had to do, so now all I can do is leave the rest in my saviors hands,talk to you later
  16. *Whuh? @ "boy / girl ? brrklynt is you M or F?
  17. #2157 xgzg, May 18, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: May 18, 2012
    Hey all, just wanted to let you know I passed the hair test, what I did:

    Day1: put apple cider vinegar in hair, covered with shower cap for 30 mins, put clean and clear pink stuff with salycilic acid in hair on top of vinegar for 30 mins with shower cap, rinsed out and scrubbed with tide for 20-30 mins. Rinsed out tide and scrubbed baking soda into hair for 20-30 mins. Washed out with t/sal.

    Day2: same as day 1
    Day3: Used dark and lovely hair relaxer (be careful with this stuff, make sure you dont let it sit on your scalp or you will get shitty burns, use vaseline around your hair line to cover skin)
    Day 4 test day: Did same thing as day 1 and 2 but I used Zydot from the head shop instead of t/sal.

    I had a pot cookie 53 and 54 days before test, got really high 75 days before, and tok adderall 56, 60, and 61 days before test. I had hair that was 1.5 inches long that they took so a full 90 days worth.

    Thanks everybody that contributed to this thread and good luck to everyone else, I know how much this shit sucks :(

  18. Well it has been 10 days since I took my test and have yet to hear from the clinic or my employer. I'm not sure whether to be worried or confident. Is this a good sign? I plan on discreetly asking my employer on Monday if they have received my results.

    Thanks guys!
  19. I passed!!!!

    I, like growman had a huge internship on the line with a very VERY large corporation. One that will land me a 100k+ job after completing. I don't want to get into too many details there. Anyway, I am 5'10, 190 lbs, dark brown hair. 1.5" long. I, just like gman thought that, oh its just an internship there is no way they will do a hair follice. YEA RIGHT! There is hope everyone. No way around the stress but it is definitely possible. Even with the most highly sophisticated labs doing your analysis. I was a light to moderate smoked. I pulled honors in college and busted my balls, however I liked doing my homework ALOT more with a little mary jane. I would smoke 6-7 days a week only after i had completed my days work. 30+ hours of work and 15+ credits for the past four years. Your scalp is going to hurt like fuckin shit and the chemical burns look like you got caught in a fire, but if the situation is die, you must push through the pain. I researched for HOURS, and found this thread. It is a life saver. Anyway, the method of MADNESS!!!

    What I did
    1. Macujo method. Apple cider vinegar for a half hour with a shower cap
    2. Add clean and clear for a half hour. Meanwhile I massed each of these in for the first 10 minutes.
    3. Rinse it all out and add the tide. SCRUB for the entire 30 minutes
    4. T/Sal shampoo. Rinse the tide out, and then SCRUB for then entire 30
    5. Baking Soda & water. This step burns like fuck. Tough it out. I only went 20 minutes on this step due to pain.
    6. I bought precision cleanse toxin wash.

    Events played out in order
    I got the call thursday I had a hair follicle. I told then I couldnt make it, and then eventually pushed it back until monday.

    Right after i got the call i overnighted the precision clean toxin wash (PCTW) $190 for 2x 4oz bottles. You can probably get by with one.

    Went to town and bought all the macujo products and picked up the PCTW. Did 2x Macujo washes. 1x PCTW

    1 PCTW, immediately followed by macujo, and then immediately followed by another PCTW. Waited a couple hours for my scalp to cool down and did the same process that night.

    At this point my scalp couldn't handle macujo anymore. The vinegar was unbearable, and everything else. I did about 5 PCTW treatments.

    Test day. Woke up early and did a PCTW. They took right from the crown of my head. As my whole body was shaved they had no other option. Focus scrubbing on crown.

    All in All
    4x macujo
    1.5 bottles of PCTW. The PCTW is what was most beneficial in my eyes. Im not a salesman but I passed. $200 for shampoo doesn't mean shit if you get the job. $$$

    Good luck to everyone

    tips. use nivea cream on the chemical burns everynight. dont wash with any other hair products during the entire process.put paper towels under the shower cap to avoid chaffing. If there are any questions I will try and remember to log on here. I start work monday!!!
  20. Forgot to put that I hadn't smoked in about 20 days

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