What are your opinions on my germination setup?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Mycelium, Apr 3, 2007.

  1. In the past when germinating seeds I used layers of paper towels, moistened by spring water and stored in a small plastic container within a dresser drawer. This time around I did the same but placed the layers of paper towels within zip lock bags and used tap water for moisture. Was worried they may be lacking oxygen now that I'm using zip lock bags, will this be a problem? Should they be in a sealed container at all? Also will the difference between tap water and spring water effect the germination process?
  2. They'll be fine. Why did you switch though? The paper towel method is just as good. I used tap water and it was fine but it varies depending on where you live. So if you're really worried use spring water to be sure. And also they'll germ amazingly fast if you can keep them at around 80-85 degrees. If not they'll just take a little longer. Good luck! :smoking:

    And have you ever had experience growing shrooms? Your name tends to say yes lol.
  3. Check for mold sense your bags are sealed, other then that you should be fine. And be careful of tap water my ppm in San Diego was 600!
  4. I'll see how the 8 seeds i have germinating turn out and then change my process if needed. I've grown a few batches of Psilocybin B+, taking a little break from that till i get an urge to trip again. Thanks for the help, I appreciate it

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