Is the Police Force practically Useless?

Discussion in 'Politics' started by Jane_Bellamont, Dec 2, 2015.

  1. Imagine a world in which policemen show up at your door in the event of an intrusion.. fast as they show up to harass a kid on a bicycle riding without a helmet. (Has happened to me before.)

    Imagine a world in which policemen show up, taser and handcuff a man sexually assaulting a woman in a public bathroom.. fast as they kick your door down to confiscate a bunch of indoor pot plants.

    Imagine a world in which you don't have to feel embarrassed to call the police if your handbag gets stolen..

    ..Now wouldn't that be nice.

    Whad'ya think?

  2. #2 Jane_Bellamont, Dec 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2015
    It seems to me, Police is only there to give people the illusion of order.

    However, when it comes down to it - there's very little if anything police can do from preventing actual crimes from happening.. until long after it's too late. What good would it do to put an assailant in jail if I'm lying on the concrete unconscious with a broken nose?

    This is why I believe in the right to bear arms, even as a liberal. Pepper spray is illegal in my country, for example.. not just guns. You'll get a criminal conviction even if you're carrying a water pistol loaded up with tabasco sauce, and use it to defend yourself in the event of an assault.

    Also - the war on drugs is currently one of the police's top priorities, at least in the western hemisphere. Billions of dollars in taxpayer money are being wasted, when they could be chasing rapists and car thieves instead.

  3. This site never fails to amaze me with its stupidity..
  4. I think there's a pattern I noticed in online comments pulling the human stupidity card.

    Some people just can't handle the emotional pressure of having their beliefs questioned.

    Nonetheless, carry on.

  5. the police serve a purpose... let's not get carried away unless your goal is anarchy, chaos, etc...
  6. Okay.. I'm just mentally tired of all of the cop hate.
  7. Well, obviously!

    Then again, if you wanna put it in relative, mathematical terms - I'd say they're only being 25% as effective as they could potentially be.
  8. Right.

    Can't really say that I hate cops themselves - since they're just people doing their job.. and I don't know any of them personally.

    I guess I hate the way cops are, being managed.. in modern western society?

  9. I'm with u it's still business as usual I hate the fact they allow ppl who aren't from a city patrol the city cops should police where they live I feel n u would have a big difference

    SOLAR SPOT's-Solar-Eclipse-Journeys-and-Organic-Adventures
  10. #10 Jane_Bellamont, Dec 2, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 2, 2015
    I only talk politics on the internet for entertainment purposes. It's my way of staying away from online games.

    I don't intend to hurt anybody's feelings, or try to convince anybody that I'm right, or they're wrong (which is always a losing battle.. people will change when they're ready to change, or if they feel like changing in the first place.)

    We seem to have this preconceived idea that if there's a problem in society, it can be automatically solved with guns, batons, handcuffs and cages. Hardly do we ever stop to think of solving the root causes of the problems we want to get rid of.

    - If I steal something of significant value, I go to prison. 6 months later, I come out with a criminal conviction. I can't get a job, so the problem that made me want to offend in the first place, is still there.

    - If I get addicted to certain drugs, I could get locked up. Couple of months or years later, I am released with a criminal conviction. I would still be the same person with the same mental health issues that made me want to use drugs as an escape, in the first place. The problem is still there.

    So next time you're at the voting poll, think about how much of an effort we're actually making to solve the root causes of the problems we have in society, as opposed to trying to bury it with brute force.

  11. The problem isn't the cops but the system which is built so heavily on fines. At this point in time so many departments have gotten so hooked on being able to fine for every little thing especially stuff that's relatively harmless that their departments can't function without continuing to impose the ludicrous fines. So they are forced to continue to go out and look for petty crime. This creates a problem where people are being harassed over stupid shit and creates a lot of resentment towards police officers. On top of that we have all sorts of issues involving nonviolent offenders. Then on top of that we have all sorts of issues with bail, private prisons, and warrant less searches. All of these issues have created a great amount of distrust in the criminal justice system which is the root of a lot of these problems we are seeing. The system is clearly not working but I don't know if there are any easy answers. There are definitely some ideas that may help but definitely no silver bullet solutions to fix these vastly complicated issues, like most problems in our society.

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