Bong high doesnt last.

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by AllRaw, Dec 1, 2015.

  1. Hey GC.
    How come my bong high doesn't last more than 1 hour or so?
    If I smoke outta spoon or a joint, I'll get higher (using the same amount) and the high will last a good 3-4 hours!
    Is that normal?
    Also. My tolerance doesn't seem to go up. And I've been smoking for 5+ years!(daily and with some breaks too...)

  2. when sitting with your bong you tend to pack more bowls and thus not get the same sensation as if you were standing.

    with a spoon you can set it down, forget it, come back to it later, and still have the high go on for an extended period of time. It's a phenomena called "bong rips put you on your ass"


  3. I think you didn't understand my point.
    If I smoke the same amount of marijuana in one sitting, I'll get higher and my high will last muuch longer

  4. Then you're doing something different.
  5. My friend told me he feels like that, when he smokes a joint his high tends to last longer. Idk about me, they're usually the same, but I feel I usually get more fucked on a bong.
    I think it might be connected on the time of the day you smoke. Idk if this is correct, but I feel like morning/afternoon seshs last less then night seshs, probably because you are less active during night and you spend less energy, I don't know, it's just my opinion.
    Also, if you're smoking by yourself you have a faster pace on your puffs, so you smoke more and in a shorter ammount of time, which might take you higher. With a bong or a piece you can just smoke till you get the high you want and then put it aside for later, or get ripped.
    It's a mistery
  6. Either way your getting stoned...whats there to complain about?

    I get more stoned off joints since I take more puffs and it adds to the box, Bongs give me bigger hits and get me stoned off less. In the end, its just bud...act like it just grows on trees or something.....
  7. I think what you didn't pull from my post is that when you hit the bong, you don't touch it for another hour, hence feeling high for "about an hour."

    You roll a j and don't roll the next one for another 3-4 hours...

  8. False, you roll a j and then 1 more. And you smoke those two before you smoke two joints. And then you smoke two more.
  9. No. If I smoke outta anything (method or piece) I WON'T touch any weed 'til my high is fading. With a bong it starts to fade after an hour. With a joint it last a couple more hours before fading off.
    I'm talking 'bout the same amount of weed in both cases.
    Now you get it?
  10. ^^

    Well I just got learned in the art of sublime real quick..... hahaha


  11. No. I do not understand your association of bongs to weed. Your refusal to touch weed confuses me. Stay high my friend..

  12. OP. Are you higher during that 1 hour than you would be in the 3-4 hour high from a pipe?
  13. Nope. Just the same. It does get to the "peak" faster tho
  14. If you toke up again before your high is compleate off.. (or you are as high as 1 hour ago) youll end up building a tolerance uber-fast
  15. It gets to the peak faster therfore you come down faster.

    A tip, if you don't do so already. Clear your bong bowls in one hit or "snap". you'll be able to clear the same amount that takes 3 hits or more in a pipe in one hit through a bong.
  16. In related news you can always top off your car with gas, but it won't take you farther unless you press the gas pedal for a longer duration...
  17. it's prob cuz you're hitting the pipe for a longer time. a bong bowl goes by much faster. hits from a pipe will be smaller thus giving your more hits
  18. Some metabolisms are different from others. I wish I had yours. My tolerance always goes up. And I get higher from a bong than I do a bowl or joint.
  19. Do a dab.
  20. I had one friend that for some reason couldn't get bong hits into his lungs. He could smoke anything else fine, but just legitimately couldn't get it past his mouth. I really don't have any ideas past that or a simple placebo effect, and I think you would know if you were inhaling it or not

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