Looking for csgo players.

Discussion in 'Gamer's Heartbeat' started by Sauramon, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Hey all, during my downtime In the last month I started to play counter strike and have become a pretty descent player if I must say so. I have roughly 90-100 hours total,18 wins total and am already gold nova 1.

    But the thing is I'm tired of getting grouped with randoms who can't play the game for the life of them. I'm looking for some blades who take the game seriously lol. Add my steam "sauramon1"
  2. Yo I'm GM, but I have a GN1 smurf I'll play with you on, I think I have like 17 hours left till my comp cool down is over.
    I'll add my steam url later tonight
  3. On my main I'm le but my smurf is mg1 if you want to add.

    Its The Second Stork.

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