Is it worth pursuing this girl or not?

Discussion in 'Sex, Love & Relationships' started by portfool2332, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. What's up, Grasscity?

    I could use some advice. Long story but I will try my best to explain the situation.

    My cousin has a friend that has been living with her and my Aunt for the last couple of years. I have occasionally seen this girl at random family events and most recently, Thanksgiving. She always seemed cool enough but from what I had heard had a rough/weird childhood. My cousin met her when she was going to college in the same town she used to live in. My cousin ended up moving back home and transferring to a local college. My cousin's friend moved with her and has since sort of become like family to that side of my family. Close enough to call my Aunt Mom and my Mom Aunt (You'll see why this makes me feel weird in a moment). Anyways, it was starting to become pretty obvious she had a small crush on me and we exchanged #'s. We eventually got coffee and went on 2-3 other dates. This is when things got weird. I started to sense our dates were being relayed to my Aunt and cousin. Like she would tell my Aunt and cousin details of the date. Am I wrong for thinking this is a bit weird? Like I don't want my Aunt and cousin being aware of my dating life. It just makes me feel weird.

    The other thing is she would only want to meet where she works, which happens to be a pub/music venue. We planned to go to a concert, which she basically begged me to go with her to, but then she told me it was sold out. The weird thing is it wasn't sold out. I guess I just found it extremely weird to lie about it. Like she knows I wouldn't be upset if she didn't want to go but comes up with this weird lie for God knows what reason.

    I eventually stopped texting her altogether but have since seen her a few times. I can't say it's been awkward but I haven't been very comfortable around her either. She has had no issue calling me out on never texting her back (of which I have just awkwardly brushed off and basically ignored). At Thanksgiving she struck up a conversation and suggested I look up what upcoming concerts are occurring at her work and let her know if I see anything good since we never went to the concert last year. She then made sure to mention she didn't have my # to get a hold of me anymore at which I somehow found my way to the other side of the room after awkwardly laughing it off and telling her I would look at who is coming to town.

    I'm not going to lie, she is cute and seems cool but I really dislike how close she is to my Aunt and cousin. haha. It just makes me feel weird about the situation. I think most girls in this situation would keep things on the least for the time being until something substantial ever came of it. And the lying about the concert being sold out is just weird to me.

    What do you guys suggest? Is it worth it to pursue this girl any further? I'm thinking of hitting her up and asking her about the above and possibly seeing where a coffee date goes but I'm not sure if it's even worth it. Might be better to leave this be since I am bound to see this girl at upcoming family related events.
  2. All I know is women are good for pussy and money. Other than that, they are a pain in the ass lol.
  3. I wouldn't worry about how close she is with your family but it Sounds like she's difficult to work with and expects more from you then herself. Keep your options open


  4. She seems like a rude one to me ... I actually really liked your moves in this one. How dare she "call you out" for not texting her back! What kind of woman would say she would only meet you at work and yet she is comfortable enough to be with you around the family on family occasions? It is up to you to play it how you want but I would be put off by a man who behaved like this. I have had men behave like this to me and when I ran into them in public, and they wanted to have some quick rendevous I had to turn them down because a little part of me (pride) did'nt want to associate with their games.

    You just have to pick and choose. It just like gambling I think, you play and most of the time you lose and sometimes you win. Just enjoy the experience and "not for investment purposes" hah! Perhaps one day she will say she wants to meet you someplace else outside of her busy life and schedule ... who knows
  5. i would leave her alone

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