Bizarre leaf problem

Discussion in 'Sick Plants and Problems' started by smokenothingeveryday, Nov 28, 2015.

  1. Hi everyone. My 2 month-old Kalashnikova is in its second week of flowering, and I've noticed since flipping the switch that an increasing number of its leaves are being affected by some type of deficiency. Rather than describing the plants condition, I've attached pictures.

    Some details that might help any diagnosticians out there:
    - Since flowering began i took the plant of of all fertilizer and used only bottled water. This was to combat a slight nutrient burn indicated by the browning of leaf tips, and the particular problem has since been mitigated.
    - I am growing in Pro-mix potting soil with added perlite.
    - I am unable to accurately test the pH (low-budget ghetto grow)
    - I am growing one other plant under the exact same conditions and it has shown no signs of distress whatsoever. I suspect the problems that I'm experiencing with the Kalash may be due to genetic predisposition, having read mostly negative reviews from other growers.

    Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated!

    Attached Files:

  2. Never really is there a perfect grow they look fine sometimes leafs do that im assuming your talking about the bent ones

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