Legit, Lightbulb Vaporizer

Discussion in 'Vaporizers' started by Ghost_girl, Nov 27, 2015.

  1. So, I know there are varied opinions about a lightbulb Vaporizer. My version of it is guaranteed to get a good review. Its super easy to make, no need to melt holes in bottle caps or using tape for an air tight seal. You just need a few simple things to make the perfect lightbulb vap.
    ** SUPPLIES **
    4. METAL POUR SPOUT (Get one at almost any bar) or (Any place sells kitchenware, usually where salt+pepper shaker are)
    That's it!!!
    STEP 1
    Take your tweezers and on the very top of the lightbulb there's a thin metal circular band. Use the tip of the tweezer and try to Jimmy it under the band. Look for the soft spot. Rub the tip of your finger around the metal band and you should feel a raised area, that's your spit you want to try to Jimmy under. Just get it under enough to be able to grab with tweezers. Now pull it off.
    STEP 2
    Now the band is off you should see a small hole in the glass where the metal band was inserted in. That's your starting point for breaking the rest of the glass on top of bulb. I find heating it with a torch lighter then just tapping it does the job great. Make sure you don't have any glass around the inner edge of metal part of lightbuld. Take your file and just file any little pieces stuck to the edge of metal.
    STEP 3
    Washout your bulb with salt and warm water. Shake it really well and rinse a few times. Now all that's left is inserting your pour spout. It should fit right in. Slowly turn it and press gently down on it while doing this. Keep working it all the way in until it won tv turn anymore. And now you have an airtight seal!
    STEP 4
    You now have a lightbulb vap read to smoke! The pour spout already has a carb on it. There should be a tiny hole on the base of the stem. (Without that the liqueur can't flow out of the bottle). But I find it a bit to small so I make my own. Just figure out the most comfortable spot on bulb for finger placement. Now take a light (preferably torch lighter) focus the tip of the flame where you want the hole and keep it there while blowing in air to lightbulb. Within seconds the concentrated spot should bubble then pop! Giving you the perfect carb! Seal up the little one on the pour spot by heating the rubber up around it and smearing it over the hole.
    STEP 5


    Attached Files:

  2. There's just something about smoking out of a lightbulb that sounds like a bad idea.......
  3. Not if you have nothing to smoke out of and would rather spend your money on bud, then a new pipe.
  4. I don't believe he's referring to the cheapness but the negative health risks associated with this. Get a real vape bro. You look like a crackhead homie
  5. To ANYONE thinking about doing this, DO NOT do this. Major health risks involved here.

    If you can afford the computer that you are using to access this site, you can at least afford a lower priced vape that starts in the 50 dollar range.
  6. This shits making us all look like a bunch of junkies. Between this an the idiots blowing themselves up making dabs in an unsafe manner, no wonder people don't take cannabis users seriously

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