Hypothetical Question: You have 20,000 and living in Washington State

Discussion in 'General' started by Wolfmonkey, Nov 26, 2015.

  1. #1 Wolfmonkey, Nov 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2015
    HI! Hi! Hi! And a happy Thanksgiving to everyone. My name is Donald (nothing like the Trump [​IMG]), and I would like to pose a hypothetical question: You have acquired/saved/come into $20,000 and have to invest it in marijuana business (i.e., producing marijuana, processing or retail selling), how would you choose to invest that $ into a business?

    I was thinking, much like the video games that I have played for a decade (e.g., WOW, LOTR) that have marketplaces, it just seems like the best thing to do to make a bunch of gold is to sell the basic gathering material like copper bars, basic herbs and/or skins and sell those on the marketplace. So I would probably say that starting with a small greenhouse, buying: lights, pots, seeds and a greenhouse. And then, piping in electricity and water, heating the building...

    O wait, I would have to get the licenses first. I checked the the Washington State Liquor site and it said $250 for the license and $1,000 a year. I can see how a very small operation would be expensive. Well, I'm just having fun with this subject [​IMG] I would love to hear how you would spend $20,000 to make it into more money, like it was Weed Tycoon [​IMG] Thanks

  2. #2 killset, Nov 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2015
    $20,000 isn't going to go far, especially if your doing it legal. 20gs won't even get you a building to grow or sell in. There's lots more fees associated with growing then just a few hundred dollars in permits. There was a guy in here last summer on a legal commercial grow. I believe it was a million dollars of insurance he needed to carry. The payment on that alone would eat up the 20gs before getting off the ground
  3. Okay, thanks for the information. But, what would you do with the $20,000? Hypothetically save it? You are in Weed Tycoon and that $20,000 is just sitting in your bank and not accruing interest, because the game parameters don't allow for interest gains.

    Maybe, you could start a branch processing some produced marijuana into a product like tink (sp?)(weed oil added to foods), bake cookies and sell them, make pipes for sale, etc.

  4. I thought you were asking about if you hypothetically had the $$ in real life and were just comparing it to the game. My bad, I wouldn't play the game.
  5. I'd just rent a house and get some nice equipment.
  6. Thanks for the input! The cool thing about Washington State is that you don't have to hide the grow indoors (do have to have 6' walls around it though) less of a carbon footprint if you grow outside in a greenhouse. Less electricity needed. Maybe there are inexpensive, insulated greenhouses? I don't know, but thanks Canadian for the simple "rent and grow" thought!!
  7. Do you think you would spend $10,000 on grow equipment and the rest towards the license and rent?
  8. I would take that 20,000 and use half for it back home in an illegal state on the blackmarket to grow and make a lot of money there.
    Then use the other half for rent and shit, fuck trying to get in the legal game this far into it in a state that has been legal. I'd rather get everything i need ready in an illegal state so when it does become legal I can jump on that shit and try to get at the top quick.
  9. I'd probably do like you said. Start out small. I live in an apartment so a house would be neccesary to rent if I wanted to do it larger scale (im setting up a 2x3x5 grow tent in my apartment). And with 20 grand i'd probably convert the basement into a grow room, not just a grow tent like I have now. After that it would be keeping my with the harvest, and reading up on growing, botany, plants, and everything associated with growing so I could have the nicest buds in the province!
  10. I wouldn't get a license. Black markets where it's at. Fuck getting $800/lb from the dispensaries
  11. #11 WubbaLubbaDubDub, Nov 26, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 26, 2015
    Damn, I wish I could buy weed for $800 a pound, I probably could, but it wouldn't be dispensary grade
  12. Fuck yeah I could make 400% on that
  13. This has gone illegal, illegal not allowed in game. You can rob banks in real life too, however, should choose not to do that lol.

    I'm thinking about being able to go to a police Christmas party and talk about the new marijuana business that I started. It is legal here. Legislation was passed. I don't see why someone would put that extra heavy stress on themselves, worrying about getting thrown in jail trafficking or growing... Worrying every time the doorbell rings.

    Might make less money, less money less problems. I just thought it might be an interesting, dynamic, multi-directional industry to be a part of, legally.
  14. You asked in the title of your thread what people would do with $20,000 living in Washington state. Just because you don't agree with it doesn't change that. Do you want to know real life or a fake game? Its kind of confusing what you want to know since you keep referencing the parameters of the game. $20,000 might be a ton in the game, I wouldnt know. In real life $20,000 isn't much to bust into the legal aspect of marijuana from what I've seen people mention. Maybe making some trinket cheap paraphernalia but not legal growing or sales. Possibly a caregiver for a few patients, I haven't really seen many of them mention what it takes to get into it.
  15. This is confusing.
  16. If I was going to take pocket change to plow into the MMJ field, I would simply find a going enterprise and become a partner on a low-stake level. That way some of the start-up risk has already been assumed by the initial angel investors and I can focus on the occasional profit-sharing/dividends (depending on how the investment agreement was structured).
  17. I feel like 20 grand would get you set up for a REALLY nice grow room indoors in a house big enough that you wouldn't have to buy any more again, and be able to create nice and thick buds with a nice system. That's not illegal right? that actually eliminates buying off the streets? lol

  18. if you read his 1st post he's asking about what kind of business.
  19. ooppss my bad. Came back a little fried the next morning and forgot the first post ! lol. Then you're right in that post.. just a few care takers.

  20. Id start a Walla Walla Onion farm.

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