Eating an edible, then smoking a joint

Discussion in 'General' started by juicyjayross, Nov 24, 2015.

  1. Ok so this thanksgiving break is gonna be crazy. Me and my bro got a Q oz of some dankity dank, and were getting two "edible sandwiches," with 1g of dank in each. I know edibles are intense, so tell me what to expect, whether or not i should smoke the joint, and what to do when tripping balls!
  2. Uh, if you want to get higher smoke the joint?
  3. #3 Questabella, Nov 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2015
    Usually joints activate the edible high.
  4. Sounds like you've never had an edible and 1g of dank for one is a lot so don't eat it all at once. Take half and then wait an hour or so for it to kick in. If it's comfortable enough than eat the other. I wouldn't smoke a joint after eating the whole thing though. Maybe wait to start coming down and then smoke it.
  5. good advice. see how the edible effects you before you smoke. especially since it's your first time taking edibles. you don't want to end up freaking out at the dinner table lol

  6. Man I was literally on the ground this passed week I smoked a jay and ate 2 edible candies in my opinion take it easy on the edibles I could barely walk after ingesting so much THC
  7. this. eating too much can very uncomfortable. try taking a couple puffs about an hour after ingesting if you want. it does seem to help the edibles kick in [​IMG]
  8. Personally Edibles hardly affect me so I would smoke 2 jays

    Hate spreads faster than love
  9. consume all and don't look back
  10. Why can't you test one the day before to see how it affects you? :confused_2:

    Btw I never understood the point of eating an edible, then smoking right after. Shouldn't you just...wait for the edible to kick in? Or am I the only weirdo that actually waits to get high off the edible? :laughing:
  11. slam ALL that shit...
  12. 1g should be anywhere from 150 to 250mg or thc. I would eat about 1/4th of it, wait about 30 minutes then smoke a bowl, wait 20 - 30 minutes then eat another 1/4, wait smoke a bowl and so on. Somewhere in the process you will realize smoking or eating more isn't a good idea.
  13. What's your rationale for waiting a half hour after taking the edible before smoking?
  14. Just to give time to see how the edible is going to effect me. If you eat the edible then immediately smoke a lot before it kicks in then it can lead to a nasty experience. Particularly when you have no idea on exact dosage it is a good idea to err on the side of caution. With professionally made edibles it is much easier to gauge proper dosage.
  15. I see. I like your plan for the most part but at the half hour mark the edible would barely be noticeable if at all. Taking a hit with the edible works best. It's an instant high that makes a seamless transition to the edible and then the edible keeps the high going for hours. I'm very careful to measure so I know exactly how much weed is in each edible. I've ODd enough times to finally learn how to manage my highs. Which reminds me when I was fairly new to edibles once I took way too much and felt it at about 10 minutes post drop. If I had smoked with that edible it would have been worse so your idea certainly has merit, especially with noobs like the OP.

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