Looking for a unit

Discussion in 'Micro Grows' started by Aroused_Tomato_Grower, Nov 23, 2015.

  1. #1 Aroused_Tomato_Grower, Nov 23, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 23, 2015
    For the past 6 months I have been scanning the market for a grow unit. I am a novice grower and hydroponics is the only way to go in my situation. The thing is, is that I know nothing about what I should be looking for. I live in Canada which makes finding one a bit harder (mostly anything I find is from usa) so far the best thing I have found so far is the Ghost Grow Pro Cabinet from unique hydroponics "Unit here" . So I wanted to know if anyone could suggest a better Cabinet or if I should go with this one. Also, does anyone know any good instructional books or videos I can watch for people using hydroponica in a small space/first time?
    Tl;dr: suggest a grow unit/info for first time grow

  2. that unit will work but I suggest soil just for a little more control on how big the pla t can get... Just my 2cents though
  3. holy shit got em hahhahahaha
  4. Hahaha, every time I see/hear the word "unit" that movie pops in my head

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