ISIS and al Qaeda = Saudi Arabia

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by SmokinP, Nov 20, 2015.

  1. We here a lot about ISIS/IS/ISIL/Daesh and al Qaeda these days but very little about where they actually came from. What are their origins, who planted the seeds, who is behind the cloak of smoke and daggers that surrounds them?

    The answer in a nutshell is Saudi Arabia and the Saudi Royal Family. They are the cause and they are to blame.

    In the 18th century in what is today Saudi Arabia a preacher called Muhammad al-Wahhab rose to prominence. Wahhab preached a new radical and extreme version of Islam. He took the Qur'an and basterdised it into what became known as Wahhabism. Wahhab believed that there was no place for the individual, he preached that the individual whether alive or dead should not be idolized in any way. No shrines, no grave markings, an extreme literal interpretation of Islam with no place for the intellectual and that if one did not submit they should be put to the sword.

    Then Wahhab met Muhammad Saud a local warlord/chieftain who he formed an alliance with. They adopted this new Wahhabism and started to spread it by the sword. Saud's descendents (House of Saud) went onto form the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the 1930's with the help of the US and British.
    To this day Wahhabism is the state taught and state sponsored version of Islam in Saudi Arabia and indeed the form of Islam that is thought in Saudi Arabian financed Mosques all over the world.

    You hear a lot about Sunni and Shiite Muslims, well the Saudi's and Wahhabism falls under the umbrella of Sunni Islam. The Shiites are far more moderate, Iran, Hezbollah and Assad are Shiites for example.

    Anyway throughout the 20th century the Saudi's have pushed and spread Wahhabism and the most prominent Wahhabist we all came to know is the infamous Osama Bin Laden who as you know was also a Saudi Arabian.

    Bin Laden adhered strictly to Wahhabism and it was both his inspiration and motivation. Al Qaeda came from Wahhabism. Bin Laden believed it was his divine duty to spread Wahhabism and in the Taliban of Afghanistan he saw an opportunity to establish another Wahhabism center outside Saudi Arabia. Bin Laden was outraged at a US presence on sic sacred Saudi Arabian soil and grew disillusioned with the greed that had overwhelmed the Saudi Royal Family.

    You will also note that 90% of the 9/11 attacker's were Saudi national's, all were followers of Wahhabism the Saudi Arabian state religion.

    When we look at IS (Wahhabism) today we see more Bin Laden's. In fact IS have been described as an army of Bin Laden's. Their stated aim is a Wahhabism super state that comprises of Syria and Iraq. The Saudi Royal Family saw an opportunity with the instability in the region and pounced. They financially supported and enabled Wahhabis also known as Salafis in their desire to create another Wahhabism super state.

    When you look at IS and al Qaeda you are looking at the Saudi Royal Families offspring and foot soldiers. Remember that the next time you see a US president on bended knee in front of those bastards.

    If we want to rid the world of IS and al Qaeda we need to neutralise Saudi Arabia and exterminate the House of Saud. They are the problem not Islam.
  2. It is also woth noting that Muhammad Wahhab fell out with Saud over the implementation of Wahhabism.

    Wahhab was critical of Saud's demonic lust for blood and called for restraint on such matters as the slaughter of prisoners.

    When Wahhab died though the gloves were well and truly discarded and Saud released the monstrosity that has spawned the Saudi Arabia of today.

    I would have edited the previous post but the br > do my head in.
  3. I thought they were Mossad. They're not attacking Israel, that's for sure.

    People can't seem to accept the fact there actually are nations funding them. People don't want to believe it.
  4. The Saudis and Israelis are BFF's these days. They bonded over their mutual hatred of Iran (Shiites) so who knows if the slimy Mossad's finger prints are to be found.

    People have been fed the line that Islam is responsible for all terrorism so many times at this stage that they can't see the wood from the tree's.
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  5. I'm very aware of Saudi Arabia's relations with the U.S. and Israel. When Obama meets the Saudi's he bows lower than them. I can't find the article anymore (no surprise) but there was an Israeli commander that said Israel works better and is more prosperous with a threat in the region and an enemy at its borders.
  6. #6 Snarfindorf, Nov 21, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2015
    I agree they're the problem, but going on a long diatribe against Wahhabism and then telling us Islam is not to blame? It's a completely legitimate sect of Islam, so please don't try to pull the wool over people's eyes just because you tell them what they want to hear. Completely ommiting all blame from Islam is shameful. I don't quite understand how you can seemingly be so learned on this, but completely fail to realise that Wahhabism isn't some kind of perversion of Islam, it follows it accordingly, as does every other sect.

    I just wish you would stop ignoring this and actually try to address it instead of burying shit with more shit. What do you think will happen if the Saudis are ousted? A democratic, peaceful, free state appears? No, it'll be another Islamic sect, creating another theocratic state to indoctrinate people from an early age in mosques. I'm sure that most of the ill-informed citizens will be good people, but of course, any place where a grown man can teach the infallible word of god to children can breed terrorism.

    Also, if ISIS+Al Queda = Saudi Arabia, and the whole reason Saudi Arabia is so fucked up is because of "Wahhabism", why is it that near every other state in the ME have human rights records that are just as bad, if not worse? A smarter man than I would point out that if it's not JUST happening in "Wahhabbsm" majority populations, then why does it happen in... Islamic majority populations that aren't "Wahhabi"? I don't think you'll ever make this connection, I've seen other posts by yourself saying "ISIS is not Islamic". You just seem to want to cover your eyes and sing away all the problems.

    The ME being fucked up is a collective result of interventionism and internal conflict. Islam is not a good way to run and manage a country, this has been proven countless times. Why is it we shit on all the dictators in the west and far east for being tyrannical warlords, when we give the theocratic ME states a pass because people think Islam is perfect? Do people not understand that there are states in the ME with singular men solely in power over a populace indoctrinated by a pervasive religion? Of course none of that matters because #Islamophobia

  7. They were formed by the CIA yes the motherfucking people that say they can't stop it when they can.
    Stop spreading lies.
  8. They were formed by the CIA for what reason?
  9. They were formed like al-qaeda so they could have a reason to invade other countries for oil, and to have a group that americans fear. Americans don't fear pot-smokers, blacks, or gays anymore, they keep creating a group to hate. And its the perfect cover for reasons behind the wars. There will be staged attacks soon in america, but unlike other attacks in places, innocent people will probably be hurt. I knew it was coming sometime, but now that i've seen this shit in paris I know it won't be long before shit hits the fan here. I'm not a nut i'm just sharing knowledge that was shared with me from reputable sources and my own research..
  10. Maybe before you post, you should actually have a gander on what the OP wrote, because he did make reference to that.

  11. Hey im just trying to help you all out, don't get so upset its just an internet forum haha

  12. Sounds like bullshit to me, isis have a heavy influence in Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. America already has the major oil contracts for two of those country's and it won't be getting anything from Syria so the logic is flawed from my perspective.
  13. Edit, The Chinese also have a heavy influence in Afghanistan so the Americans arnt going to get a bigger slice of the pie over there anytime soon.
  14. #14 Snarfindorf, Nov 22, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2015
    Hey dude, you just subscribed to the biggest trap of internet intellectualism: confirmation bias. None of this video is referenced. None of this video is scrutinized. It's all 100% bias. I can watch 5 seconds and tell you this. I suggest broadening your sources before you blindly believe in theories.
  15. i suggest you open your mind to sources other than mainstream media and the government.
  16. #16 Snarfindorf, Nov 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2015
    "Opening your mind" isn't choosing to believe in something and then searching YouTube for videos about it. "Opening your mind" is not subscribing to bullshit theories with no factual basis, and actually doing some reading. It's great that you want to broaden your horizons, but shrinking them down to fit an agenda isn't a good idea.
  17. Everything happening in the world today is simply a fulfillment of prophecy from over 2000 years ago. It's plainly told just how big a mess the world would be at this point in time and instead of sympathizing with a terrorist organization based on Islam and it's screwed up version of how we should live, a smart person would be preparing their soul to meet Jesus. Like it or not, He is real and it's not going to be very long before he comes back to claim this earth. I realize this isn't a particularly popular view, but I do not apologize for that. As a follower of Christ, I am instructed to spread the truth. What you do with it is up to you. Do yourself a favor and spend as much time trying to prove Him wrong as you do attempting to prove Islam right. There is NO comparison! Blessings! TWW
  18. Ha..
  19. #19 Snarfindorf, Nov 24, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 24, 2015
    Wow, usually I have to explain to someone they're indoctrinated and conditioned from an early age, but you just did it for me!
  20. Yah that guy is dangerous

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