
Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by justcallmekg, Nov 17, 2015.

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  1. Who are you referring to
  2. The fact that it isn't obvious is alarming.
  3. Dude seriously what are you talking about
  4. #24 Oni~, Nov 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2015
    Whoever controls language, controls reality itself. The Left has brainwashed the youth to think everything that is not 100% agreement with another group is phobic. What that group does is completely irrelevant. No critique will be tolerated.

    Most of the morons calling everything phobic don't even know what the word actually means. The first time they heard it in their lives was when it was introduced to them via Islamophobia, homophobia, etc.

    Literally THE single biggest and con-stan-tly used strawman argument utilized by the left and religious apologists. It has been debunked on countless previous forums. (for those possessing a reading comprehension)
    People seem incapable of thinking in smaller numbers. Either you think all Muslims are this, or you think all Muslims are that.

    Yeah, he'll get his infidel head chopped off. That'll show him to be Islamophobic.

  5. ^^^
  6. I just watched an interesting video on the process of brainwashing a nation. An interview with a former kgb propagandist
  7. Bezmenov?
  8. No worries friend, to be honest I was drunk off my ass. Love that Fuckin moonshine lately. I'll quote you next time I'm trying to insult you haha ;)
  9. Well Islam isn't a race, so no, it's not racist.
    Just read this article and you will see islamophobia is fairly rampant and gaining momentum in this country. 56 percent say that the values of Islam are "at odds" with American values and way of life. This part particularly stood out to me "four in ten were uncomfortable with Muslim elementary school teachers, and nearly half said they'd be uncomfortable if a mosque were built near their home." The odds of getting killed by a Muslim terrorist are significantly less than the odds of getting killed by a police officer yet for some reason people still blindly fear them. If you are uncomfortable with a Muslim school teacher you're an idiot.
  11. The USA is not afraid , hence the word ends in phobia, meaning fear. We are pissed. It should be "Anger at extremist terrorism" instead of Islamphobia. We are not afraid. We are pissed.
  12. #34 Oni~, Nov 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2015
    Wait what? A highly Christian nation is "at odds" with another religion?
    You wouldn't couldn't possibly be implying that religion is divisive?!

    If that were the case then politicians would have used it all the time to sway the sheep they rule over any way they like, and people would have been murdering each other for millennia because the other guy worshiped someone else. //

  13. no that's not the same.

    Islam literally tells them to kill non Muslims in their Bible.

    Isis are the ones who DO represent Islam. You got it backwards

  14. again. Bad analogy.

    The Islamic Bible literally condones tthese terror attacks and encourages them

  15. that's not what we are doing.

    It literally says in their Bible to kill non Muslims.

    We are judging the book and anyone who thinks they can pick and choose parts of the book and call themselves religious.

  16. Bullshit. Islam has rules for war and the extremists don't follow them (just like the Americans using unapproved dirty bombs in Fallujah)

    american dirty bombs and their damages to OUR OWN soldiers sanctioned by OUR president

    "...The actions and statements of the Prophet Muhammad and of the early
    Caliphs of Islam point to strong humanitarian considerations.

    In a famous decree, Abu Bakr al-Siddiq, the first Caliph, told his
    military commander: “Stop, O people, that I may give you ten rules for
    guidance on the battlefield. Do not commit treachery or deviate from the
    right path. You must not mutilate dead bodies; do not kill a woman, a
    child, or an aged man; do not cut down fruitful trees; do not destroy
    inhabited areas; do not slaughter any of the enemies' sheep, cow or
    camel except for food; do not burn date palms, nor inundate them; do not
    embezzle (e.g. no misappropriation of booty or spoils of war) nor be
    guilty of cowardliness…You are likely to pass by people who have devoted
    their lives to monastic services; leave them alone."
  17. summary-

    "Bullshit, true Muslims would kill the infadels humanely"

  18. Regardless of what the first Caliph says, it lays out in the Koran and Hadith how to deal with disbelievers, apostates and jihad. It says all spoils of war go to the messengers of Allah, to maim and cripple the enemy by any means and people under Islam that aren't Islamic must pay jizya.

    Do you want me to pull direct quotes from the Koran? If not I won't waste my time.

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