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Trying to spend less/cut back any advice?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Vource, Nov 16, 2015.

  1. Hey GC.

    Well I've got a little dilemma on my hands. At the moment due to my illnesses and condition I am unable to work a job thus leaving me on income support with around 900$/month left over to spend after my rent is paid. I do have other bills but I consider my medicine before these.

    I'm currently growing my own crop so until these finish up I'm needing to cut back and spend less money and was wondering if anyone had any advice for me?

    I smoke about 3g of herb/day as I can only come into some street mids. Better dank around 2g of herb/day (dry herb, bonged). I've been smoking for around 8 years straight daily.

    I've tried making my own edibles to no effect, I did buy a Gpro herbal vape and heard that they were rebranded titans and don't really vape and yes I don't like it at all. I was considering buying a rig and spraying my own dabs? If I was to do this instead of smoking my 2g dank/day how much dabs would I consume around? Would dabbing cost me more in the end? (Yes I know I have to purchase a rig etc. I'm talking usage cost not supplies) dabs I'd be spraying 2 ounces/month for use would this last a month?

    TL;DR Looking for a way to cut back and spend less money. Tried edibles no. Bought Gpro herbal vape, no maybe a better vape suggestion? Or maybe dabbing will cost me less? Suggestions?

  2. if you have a good dab connect where they dont fuck you on price id go with it. For like 250 you could either get an ounce of bud and smoke for 2 weeks...or.. 250 could get you like 6g of decent oil and that would deff last more than an ounce of bud.

    So like i said. Get a good price and dab.
  3. I wouldn't recommend spraying your own dabs, it's actually really dangerous. That's the kinda stuff you let other people do. As far as other options, I'm not really sure to be honest. Maybe give the vape another try? Making sure it's ground up really well helps a lot.

    Best wishes[​IMG]
  4. I know spraying dabs is extremely volatile and dangerous this is why it would be done outside in my back shed/garage that has an industrial exhaust purification system inside to remove car fumes. If I'm to spray 3 Oz of quality herb how much return in dabs can I expect? How much better are dabs once purged? My friend has a purge so it is an option to purge them...
  5. I'd say on average about 4.5gs/oz. But if you can get some bud that someone you know grew you can yield up to 6-7g/oz.
    The main factor in that is that through transportation the heads of the trichomes get knocked off and that's what yield the most. I can blast some killer bud I buy and yield 4-5 or some outdoor I grew and yield upwards of 7.
  6. Or bud you grew yourself - forgot you had a crop going.
  7. I'd just say corner your bowls, take smaller hoots and hold it in longer. Try and smoke sessions instead of hoots throughout the day. Sometimes when it gets really tight on cash I clean out the bowl on the bong and smoke the resin, I really don't like it but it's better than nothing. Hope this helped!
  8. If you do get a dab rig be careful to not over do it , I ruined my tolerance by not controlling myself with dabs . I'm not saying you have a moderation problem like me lol just advice I wish I had followed .
  9. "ruined your tolerance". Honestly there isn't a such thing. I smoke around an eighth a day of bud and probably around .3 of wax a day. It doesn't ruin your tolerance by any means, imo I feel like i can dab all week long, switch to bud and get really stoned for a couple times. To me atleast it has always seemed and felt like dabbing doesn't raise my flower tolerance and vice versa.
  10. OMG 3 grams of mids a day? ok, let's say that costs $20. 20X30 = $600 a month in weed. I suggest you go on a t-break and cut down to 1 gram a week.
  11. I might be out of line here, but if you do smoke tobacco, I would seriously consider economizing with mixing your weed with it. Will save you a ton of weed. Either way, where I live its too expensive to smoke weed/hash without using tobacco, so its the norm here. I keep forgetting how you americans get offended when someone brings it up, so be nice to me.
  12. That doesn't really work if you're using it medicinally.
  13. True that ^
    In order to maintain steady relief you must be constantly achieving a steady dose, and with this tolerance certainly does rise which sucks because when your a medical user you can't just take a t break or cut back more than half your dosage you have to play around with strains extracts concentrates until you find what best helps your medical conditions in my case this is chronic depression, ptsd, severe anxiety, mood disorder.

    Thanks for your input guys!!
    I've managed to limit myself and by using dabs have cut back to around 1/4 Oz every 5 days. And about 1g of wax oil whatever I can get my hands on lasts about 2 weeks

  14. Be careful with the dabs, if used to often smoking flowers becomes unfulfilling. I recommend smoking flowers before bho to start your routine
  15. well that case,let me sell you your meds. I can use the extra 600 a month lol just kidding I would never do that.
  16. I would really try to transition to vaping. And get a good vape like a pax or a tabletop. I'm glad I made the switch to almost always vaping.. I change my method up every couple of months though

    my roommates and I used to vape and save our ABV and make edibles.. win/win

    if your body's so accustomed to one thing, you're going to have to work to transition

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