Anyone ever get their drivers license suspended?

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by sourkush420, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. If you were in mn you'd have whiskey plates so everyone would know!
  2. I have some family up there. What are whiskey plates?
  3. 2004 lost it for 6 months, accept for work, school, church, emergencys. Misdamenor probation.
    2006 same thing
    2008 lost it for 2 years with no conditional liscense at all. So I was bussing it to work. Also, in Indiana 3 duis within 5 years is a mandatory 6 months incarceration and its a felony. Fortunately house arrest is considered incarceration. Then I had 12 months of aaps (alcohol abuse probation system ). Had to be on antabuse and blow breathalyzers every day.

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