Paris Terror Attack Nov 2015

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by VikingToker, Nov 14, 2015.

  1. Not looking good for EU at all

    The open border nah bro you dont need your passport in europe we gotcha m8 Schengen-agreement is apparently hitting the dumps with the refugee influx

    Lot of not-goods hitting Europe in the last few years
  2. Saudi Arabia my friend, Saudi Arabia.
  3. If they called themselves the Mickey Mouse Martyrs would you blame Walt Disney?
  4. Yea its collapsing like a flan in a cupboard

    Living on an island does have its benefits lol
  5. I catch flack for saying this here, but I'm no fan of Islam.

    SmokinP you're a good dude from what I've encountered of you, but I'm not on board with any religions at all, I think they're all supier dumb

    Islam happens to be worst one we've got around in 2015, I think. The worst one for where I live and my culture, at least
  6. America isnt making any friends either.Our politicians shipped away millions of jobs years ago and still hasnt brought them back in spite of weed being legal in a lot of states.

    They will need to look for domestic terrorists rather than iSIS here in a minute. One group of psychotic Islam extremists doesn't represent everyone in the religion any more than child rapist Josh Duggar represents all Republican Christians ( when the youngest victim is 5 it's a CHILD not a "youthful mistake")

    That's why ISIS goes after other religions (aside from being bonkers). They see Christianity as totally hypocritical.

  7. Speak for yourself.

  8. You apologist make me sick.
  9. Your idiotic government is to blame for what is happening in your country not Islam.

    How come there is no issue with Muslims and Islam in Ireland?

    Because when refugees come here they either play ball and live peacefully or face the consequences.
  10. Man, I'm not a newbie to this game. I've read all three texts of the Islamic canon, I've delved into Islamic history (the Golden age especially), I've studied the life of the Prophet, alahi as-Salaam, and am both very interested in and have studied into the current state of the wartorn Middle East, from Pakistan to Turkiye.

    Forget that Vicious is in the room, I sense he's out to score points against you and maybe he sees this forum this as more than a game to win ego pieces than to exchange honest ideas. Forget that. It's you and me here.

    So let's exchange honest ideas, and I'll ask you again, politely, and not call you a fool or a liar:

    Is ISIS influenced by only Saudi Arabia and

    not at all the Sharia or the Hadith?

    I consider this important, because we in the West are reliant on moderate voices from Islam to call out their own extremists. It's the best way to make peace between our cultures*

    *As per Majid Nawaz, The Future of Islam and Tolerance

  11. Apologist? There hasn't even been confirmation who the attacking group is and yet, here's Vicious, once again, with zero proof, blaming anybody who isn't white. -_-
  12. This is not true. When you arrive, traumatized, from a wartorn place to a culture that represents the enemy, it's hard to adjust and fit in.

    And what has my government done but take in suffering Muslims? What has my government done but be a voice of peace in Israel? Tell me, what places has Norway bombed?

    Please, sir, you're making your biases so big that they are distorting reality. We have to be able to speak honestly about this, especially in the wake of such attacks

  13. There is proof. Allahu akbar all over the place while they were gunning people down.

    You're really going far to pick the anti-Vicious side

    Vicious, you're doing harm to the truth here with all these people you have antagonized so far against you that they are PCed to the extreme
  14. Who have I antagonized and it what way? Posting my "propaganda"?

    People aren't even done being picked up off the street and the pro-Islamic crowd is already trying to damage control. It's nothing short of sick. Sorry that my humble opinion antagonizes these fragile people.

  15. #35 VikingToker, Nov 14, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 14, 2015
    <del>When you deliver a truth undiplomatically, it can do harm to your overall position</del>
    <del>If what really matters is convincing the other of the truth, diplomacy is your strongest weapon.</del>
    <del>There will always be idiots who feel more than they think, but they too can be won over</del>
    <del>Edit: And they MUST be won over, given things like today happening and people *still* in here saying U HAEV NO PROOF IT WAZ JIHAD</del>
    <del>you have to adress them calmly, and convince them with the facts we have access to</del>
    <del>Edit edit: Talking to myself here too, to be fair... we have to win this war of ideas with religions and their apologists and tolerators</del>
    cant even do it
  16. Of course Islam has had a part to play in ISIS. It has been used as a justification and recruitment tool by ISIS. It is much easier to recruit followers and indeed justify barbaric acts such as we are all watching now on out TV's if you can claim God/Allah is on your side.

    That however does not mean Islam is to blame. Islam and the words of the Prophet Mohammed are used as a weapon by the likes of ISIS similar to how propaganda has been used throughout the ages to justify numerous wars and genocides.

    The American government has claimed they are spreading democracy when they invade, occupy and slaughter 00's of 000's throughout the ME.
    The Israelis use Judaism to justify their actions in Palestine, they claim they are the rightful owners of the land because of their religion.
    This is BS and I would urge you to consider that perhaps Islam is being used in a similar fashion by ISIS.
  17. Diplomacy? Forgive me for feeling anything short of Deus Vult right now.

  18. You don't need a degree in rocket science to connect the dots.

    People "over there" don't want western bombs, guns, meddling, etc. in their countries.

    THEY HAVE TOLD US THIS. But America is "exceptional" so we are always right, and anybody who doesn't like what we do are "terrorists."

    The west has been meddling there for almost 100 years. NOBODY LIKES FOREIGN TROOPS ON THEIR SOIL. At least Reagan had enough common sense to withdraw the troops from Lebanon after the Marine barracks was bombed and things started to collapse there. Today, American leaders and the American people are too stupid and arrogant to figure it out. Introspection never hurts anyone.

    Regarding religion: It has no more to do with Islam than when American presidents and millions of followers have to do with Christianity when they (predictably) say " . . . and God bless the troops" as they are sent off to the Middle East to trespass, bully, coerce, interfere, kill, and bomb.

  19. That means Islam is to blame, at least partially.

    This is what Muslims need to hear. They know the rest.

    This they need to hear.

    Remember that guy I linked a video to? The Saudi guy speaking out against people being blinded by Islam in his country? We need more of that and less denial

    Yeah. I do forgive you for that.
  20. Thread, this is what I'm talking to about feeling rather than thinking

    You do need a degree, or at least study, to understand the complexities of the middle east. There are layers of weirdness to this - you saw yourself what happened when the US skedaddled from Iraq. ISIS happened.

    So you can rant and rave about 'we shouldnt have been there in the first place' and everyone will agree with you, but there is a modern-day situation that is difficult to understand and is not adressed by knee-jerk top-level bullshit.


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