Discussion in 'Marijuana News' started by JrichDaEmperor, Nov 12, 2015.

  1. I agree with the above, long as Christie is around, never will happen. Get rid of him and we stand a chance..
  2. Christie is a closed minded, uninformed a-hole. The people of NJ are idiots for voting him in as governer.
  3. Eh he played it smart during Hurricane Sandy...he was seen shaking hands with Obama, and alot of people believed him when he said he doesn't give a damn was willing to work with anyone to help the people of NJ to get things done. That and during a time like that he looked like a better choice.

    He's become far more of an abrasive asshole since then,and residents are seeing the quality of life in NJ plummeting..especially in South Jersey where i'm from. Luckily with my gi bill I moved back to Seattle and i'm going to school...

    Bout to goto the shop and pick up some Dutch Hawaiian [​IMG]
  4. Dude, fuck New Jersey as a whole. It sucks here and that fat fuck just makes it worse. Can't wait to move
  5. with Christie here no way
  6. I thought I saw Chris Christie once, turned out it was just a beached whale.
  7. With all of the scandals he's pulled, I'm surprised he still has his position.


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