Steamrollers/opinions (X-posted, hopefully this is okay and not a violation)

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by Memory_Camp, Nov 10, 2015.

  1. Hi all, new user, long-time lurker (admittedly too long). Smoker on/off 3 years.

    Iwas wondering which you all think is better? I was originally very set on the heavy-gold-fumed piece (I love gold fumed and my current favorite piece is gold-fumed), but now I'm slightly torn, as I also like
    the design of the other, as well as the color-scheme (of course it
    wouldn't be identical to the listed piece, but I digress...). I
    included links below. I kind of wanted a piece from California, but I
    can't find any sites that offer reasonably-priced and quality
    steamrollers from CA for online purchase. I also had wanted a Opinicus9
    steamroller that I've seen floating around, but sadly no one seems to
    have it in stock anymore ( ). So, opinions/input/suggestions? I'm open to looking at other pieces, but I'd prefer to stay under 45.00.

    I currently have two small/medium spoons (one of which is my baby), one
    very large spoon (a gift from a friend), a coil-bubbler, and a bong.
    I'm also female, FWIW in regards to the styles I've chosen.
  2. I'm trying to look so I can give you opinion but the first link isnt working [​IMG]
  3. Ooooh that is tough!! I love how unique the first pink one is but then love all the detail on the second one! :huh::huh:
  4. Exactly. Pink has surprisingly become a favorite color of mine as I've become older. But the colors on the other are just as pretty in a different way.

    I'd buy both but it's a birthday gift from my dad, who is giving me the money to buy it.

  5. It depends on the use, if you have a lot of people over at all times and smoke in the dark alot; then the dark blue glow in the dark would be my choice. If it's to sit at home and smoke, and it would be used by you mostly, then I would get the pink one that you like.

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