[DISCLAIMER:SPECULATION] Evidence of Hillary Clinton Engaging In Election Fraud May Have Been Found

Discussion in 'Politics' started by LuxTenebris, Nov 7, 2015.

  1. #1 LuxTenebris, Nov 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2015

    As the title says, this is just specualtion, and there is no concrete proof as of now, however as Hillary has quite the reputation of being willing to play dirty, and our political system as a whole being filled with dark money and corruption, it's not inconceivable.

    As the article says, worst case scenario Hillary is involved, best case it's just a rogue guy working with PACs affiliated with her.

    I don't want to jump to conclusions until concrete evidence is found (there is supposed to be a part 2 to this after the author does more research) but it's... interesting to say the least, even if it's a hoax, it's a well executed one.

  2. she's been accused of a lot worse. i mean literally her entire political career is littered with scandals. they bounce off her like bullets off superman

    she'll be alright
  3. That seems the likely outcome unless a smoking gun is found.

    Things will get interesting if Trumps appearance on SNL is interrupted like the site was claiming to pay a $5000 bounty for.
  4. #4 Lenny., Nov 7, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2015
    smoking guns haven't stopped her yet. for all that stuff she's allegedly done she probably wouldn't let something like this finally bring her down

    it's pretty early in the election cycle for this, but we're definitely in the "frantically research candidates' pasts for any indiscretion" phase. they're doing it to hillary and ben carson right now.

    up next, who knows. probably bush and sanders.
  5. probably cause she hasnt been guilty of any wrong doings
  6. when you're rich and powerful you usually aren't

    the 08 financial crash explains this concept
  7. I wet with anticipation on when they do bush.

  8. Here we go with yet another fabricated scandal. The email scandal, the Clinton Foundation scandal, Benghazi, all totally unfounded and completely untrue. Since they couldn't make any of those stick a new scandal/conspiracy is created. Simply to throw another obstacle in the way of her path to the White House. Just in time for this election cycle. Imagine that. WHAT a coincidence.

  9. Hello Carne. What is unfounded and untrue about her email scandal?
  10. #10 JohnnyWeedSeed, Nov 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2015
    That's what I want to know. This bitch has been corrupt her since she was thrown off of the Nixon trial for corruption. She has a very long track record both under the table corruption that cannot be proven and the blatant in your face bullshit lies that she spews on TV. You don't just have a decades-long career riddled with allegations of scandals and corruptions without any of them being true. Sure, I will succeed that may be a couple of them are not true but it would take some hard evidence to prove that most of them are not true for me even if a lot of them have been covered up and hidden behind a bunch of bullshit like she is typically known to do.
  11. Is she serving time? Was she censured? Fired? Put on trial? How many committees investigated it and found no wrong doing?

  12. #12 Carne Seca, Nov 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 16, 2015
    Same old right-wing conspiracy bullshit. Not to feed into your conspiracy paranoia but do you honesty believe if she was that corrupt, that evil, wouldn't she be in jail or disgraced by now. This has been going on for decades and they have all been right-wing smear campaigns designed to hurt her chances in elections and appointed positions. It's old and tired and no one but the fringe wackos believe it.
  13. link proving that it's completely untrue?

    the FBI is still investigating.. do you have more info than the FBI does?
    If so please share.

  14. Bush and cheney aren't in jail and they were that corrupt and evil.. Cheney even got a statue built of him recently in DC.
  15. "Even as republicans in congress continue to try to turn Hillary Clinton's fully legal use of email into a scandal, the FBI has made clear that it isn't having any of it. The State Department and DOJ have already made clear that Clinton violated no laws or policies and did nothing wrong, and now the FBI is declining to be dragged into the partisan fray."
    What laws were proven to be broken that would put them on trial? Federal? State? County? City? Which ones. Point them out, please.

  16. yeah, but no one likes them.

    if i like a politician, they are not capable of wrongdoing
  17. Geneva convention... US constitution...

  18. I said, "proven".
  19. I can read. Google "American torture of Iraqi POWs" - but only if you can stomach gore and violence.

  20. #20 Carne Seca, Nov 17, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 17, 2015
    Well it seems reading and comprehension don't always go hand in hand.

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