Saudi Arabian killin it on TV

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by VikingToker, Nov 6, 2015.

  1. #1 VikingToker, Nov 6, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 6, 2015
    what a bad ass

    disregard the spiteful YT title, ignore the uploaders spin, hear what the man has to say, especially like a minute in when he opens up the knoweldge artillery for real

    right out of the glory days when islam was where hellenism survived

    Should the Arab individual be rebellious?

    Not rebellious, but he should seek the truth. He must not efface himself and dissolve into the herd

    thats some socrates shit. So impressed, people dont say anything like that on tv here

    edit: inb4 shitstorm and threadlock

  2. Can you post the video title on YT Viking please?

    Can't see your link, damn app.
  3. The guy on the right has a very nice hat.
  4. Ugh I hate that you're making me repeat the trollbaity title

    Search for: A Wise Honest Arab Muslim Man Tells Muslims The Truth About Themselves - A Must See. By the YT user the Sanctfy

    More of the same search for: Arab self-criticism and self-doubt (1/3) user YT krifko

  5. Woah, he speaks sense AND doesn't hate Israel, in fact respects Israel and realises its political and geographical significance? By Jove, this man has an average IQ! I can only imagine this bit made him unpopular to this channel's viewer base.

  6. there's more of these gangsters out there slaying

    Libyan millionaires keep a low profile, have you ever met one? [​IMG]
  7. #7 Oni~, Nov 7, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 7, 2015
    I'd like a news watch on this guy to gauge how long it takes you to get stoned (the wrong kind) for this.

    The only thing missing from this video is a western SJW telling him he's wrong.

  8. I hate this world.
  9. That doesn't change the fact that Israel regularly commits human rights violations and violations of international law

    Just today Israel gave the go ahead for 2,200 new illegal settlements.
  10. The Moderates are always the first to go.
  11. The language is very eloquent and descriptive; much more so than English.
  12. So you speak Arabic?

  13. I am close friends with people that speak English better than i do, as well as Arabic. Even when you read a translated version of the Quran, you will often need somebody that speaks Arabic with you to explain some of the ideas behind it, as many of the ideas we just don't have words for. <--- Obviously not every person who speaks Arabic will know the Quran off by heart, however my friend is a Imam at the mosque and knows the entire thing off by heart.

    And before you ask, yes i am white and we met at my job Yes, people can racially intermingle. Crazy idea, eh? -_-;
  14. My shop mechanic is an arab muslim, he grew up in Montreal so he has his street side though. Easily my closest friend at work. Easy to get along with, never complains, always smiling, always willing to go the extra mile, is not about workplace gossip bullshit at all, is loyal to those who are loyal to him, who knew! We have talks about Islam, Christianity, politics, how corruption runs through the west and the middle east, extremism you name it. We both do this with a calm demeanor, I cherish our friendship very much.

  15. At first I was assuming you must, how else would you know how descriptive and eloquent it is but now I don't think you do or you would have answered my question. It's cool, I was just curious.


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