Make a prediction

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SlowMo, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. I kind of agree with the prediction of guns becoming a relic.. but also predict that when that happens, it won't be because humanity wised up.. but because laser weapons will have been invented.
  2. give me the nukes. I promise I'll just keep them clean and safe in the barn.
  3. That's it! A little scrutiny of history and "progress" is seen as essentially a matter of our capacity for killing each other - and everything else.
  4. I predict that cops otherwise known as the street thugs of the state will kill more people for bullshit reasons. Black lives matter will then use the backward strategy of racial politics in order to stop it which will prove ineffectual and will turn off otherwise sympathetic people to their cause. Especially when they get all butt sore when people say all lives matter. In other words nothing will change because of an ineffective and divisive opposition unfortunately.
  5. lasers
  6. WW3 will start in 2016. Hopefully a thermonuclear war. Always wanted to see the world burn.
  7. I will have a job way before Christmas and be back to smoking dank.

    I hope. I really do.
  8. 1. War in the middle east will continue on Mars.
    2. After marijuana becomes legal and regulated in most parts of the world, authorities will get bored and find something else to ban and put people in jail for (e.g. coffee, fizzy drinks, etc.)
    3. Putin will go bald and shave his head. (or wear a wig)
    4. Hillary Clinton wins 2016 (boring).
    5. Robots will take away virtually all of our manual jobs, artificial intelligence will surpass the decision-making capacity of the human brain.. and the welfare system will be replaced by Universal Basic Income (yay!).
    6. They'll find a cure for AIDS and cancer, but it won't work the way you think it does.
    7. The internet will live forever and expand to the rest of the galaxy. Sadly, so will trolling, flaming, spamming and raging.

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