Make a prediction

Discussion in 'Politics' started by SlowMo, Nov 5, 2015.

  1. What do you see in your crystal ball? Make a prediction - and maybe even state why, but whatever.

    I predict two things:

    1. Europe will eventually experience the resurgence of almost police state like authoritarian structures as race/ethnicity based ultra-nationalism springs up once again out of the downstream problems created by the mass influx of Muslims streaming out of the Middle East. Even if only one in a thousand refugees into Europe will flower into radical Islamic activities (probably an absurdly low figure), there will still be more than enough to stick many deadly knifes into Europe's backs.
    2. Sporadic acts of terrorism will begin to plague the USA as it will also, in the name of compassion, unwittingly admit many people that have one central mission in life - to destroy as many infidels and their nations as possible.

    your turn...

  2. #2 SmokinP, Nov 5, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 5, 2015
    I see more of the same in the next POTUS term.

    The ME is going to be very interesting. If the Russian plane that went down in Egypt was shot down by ISIS, Putin will be forced to unleash hell on ISIS and their supporters.

    The Israelis will continue to try to justify their genocide with even more outlandish actions. I see a pact UN ready to explode into laughter at Netanyahu's latest speech.

    On a whole my middle aged pessimism prevents me from being hopeful.
    I vote No Change.
  3. Everyone will abolish weapons and borders.
    We will all live happily ever after cultivating cannabis and making lots of babies :)
  4. I'm down with the cultivation part but "from my cold dead hands" comes to mind. Molon labe!
  5. we will be liberated from our tyrannical overlords and learn to follow the wisdom of our new leaders...

    ...and we will live happily ever after...

  6. The UK will exit the EU hopefully. Crossing my fingers for the motherland on this one.
  7. After Hillary Clinton is elected president of the united states, we will see an exponential increase in government spending, and debt will go into the stratosphere.

    The nsa and dhs will grow as domestic anti government right wing groups begin making their move on the home front.

    As America fights both Islamic and right wing terrorism on both fronts, the world will lose faith in the dollar. China will inherit control or at least become a competitive entity in the world oil economy, further ensuring the downfall of the dollar.

    America will be forced to either sell off military assets, or expand the military even more to combat China and Russia.

    This will throw America and possible the enentire world into another great depression.

    It will also increase demand for energy independence as the oil issue becomes more volatile.

    In the meantim another space race will begin. Whoever is able to establish a moon colony will lead the way for humanity's future. They will have a monopoly on space exploration and resources.

    In the end we may see the emergence of a one world government and global ecopolicy change.

    Population control. Forced to become vegetarians. Carbon taxes. To save the earth a nwo will emerge using environmentalism, as an exscuse to create a global police state.

    Enter world war 4

  8. I see people dying in wars fought for oil, for all eternity.

    Fuck this crystal ball is a grim bastard.
  9. I see curdled milk and gmo honey.
  10. So pre-cheese and.... honey?
  11. Fossils discovered on Mars

    Recession in 2017

    Republicans win election

    Europe confronts Saudi Arabia about lack of helping in refugee crisis

    China's military expansion into Chinese sea expands pushing out any US army presence

  12. Jeb bush next president of USA

    Global money system
    possible alien invasion involving world governments

  13. #13 Green Wizard, Nov 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2015
    Clinton / Sanders win the presidential election 2016.

    More states legalize herb bringing us closer to freedom.

  14. She's not gonna choose him as vp. She's probably gonna choose some kind of minority. There's some Mexican guy I heard she'll probably choose but I can't remember his name.
  15. You're not playing the game right. You're supposed to make a prediction. You think you're crystal ball is better than everyone else's? Do I think Jeb Bush will be president? No, but someone else in this thread thinks so. So who is right? We'll have to wait and see.

    What's your prediction?

  16. Nuclear weapon deployed in the mid-east....
  17. #17 nugbuilder, Nov 8, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 8, 2015
    1. Bruce Jenner will verbally regret decision nationally.
    2. In 20 years Obama will be seen as better than he actually is.
    3. Donald Trump will not be the Republican nominee.
    4. The unemployment rate will continue to rise under all currently proposed tax bills.
    5. Russia will inevitably regret their current involvement in the Middle East.
    6. Cowboys will not make the playoffs.

    Edit: Fallout 4 will be a game changer.
  18. We ruin the oceans.
  19. I think you're wrong about Europe. The current trend in europe is a marked shift to the left, particularly among the younger generation. The far right in western europe is simply a vocal minority that isn't making any ground. Eastern europe is a different matter, but far right nationalistic policies aren't conducive to the requirements of EU membership.
  20. Clinton will win the nomination and my bet is on either Rubio or Cruz to pull it out at the last second over trump on the repub side. My bet is Clinton will just squeak by and win the general. Then she'll do virtually nothing different from the current path were on and increase aggressions in Syria and with Russia. Leading us into unnecessary bullshit conflicts where we'll pretend we're not at war by saying things like they are just commanding officers assisting in the efforts. I also predict due to Gerry meandering repubs will keep control of the house for a while and continue to pass bullshit legislation and claim that it's all Hilary's fault for blocking it. So we'll get the same do nothing congress that only passes bills when it shits on individuals rights like the tpp or cisa. Plus we'll continue to have even more congressman suck the dicks of big corporations and pass legislation that greatly favors corporation well pretending they care about the average American and just want to stop the debt. The "freedom" caucus claims to want to stop the deficit yet these fuckers just agreed to continue giving 17 billion dollars annually to big banks instead of appropriating the money to things that actually help out the average American like infrastructure spending. The giant hypocritical shit show will go and no one will pay attention.

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