Powdery white mildew? Help needed

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by stringless101, Oct 26, 2015.

  1. I'm late into flower with my lovely caramel girl and I've got an outbreak. I suspect it's PWM and have tried a couple if things, first I tried a raps oil/water solution which I thought had worked but after a few days it came back worse. Then I went to the store and bought an expensive solution especially for PWM but after 2 applications it's still getting worse. I've lost a few leaves and now the leaves really close to my flowers are dying off. Please can anyone offer up any solutions

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  2. Where's the PM? I see one possible splotch (tannish color) on the center image and a little (possibly) in the right one, but otherwise, not much. PM is splotchy, and you should be able to see stringy infiltrate (fuzz) using a good lens. It's never as regular as the white dots in your first pic.

    The white residue along the leaf margins is probably from the solution you used (dried and left residue) or from excess fertilizer. I'd wash it off if it's from the solution you sprayed. If it's excess nutrients, the droplets along the leaf margins are being emitted by little organs called hydathodes. Hydathodes can be damaged by excess nutrients, and you'd see dead spots at the tips of the serrate edges.

    What are the temperatures? Horticultural oils can be very damaging in even moderate temperatures (80 degrees F). Nothing will repair the damage done by PM. All you can do is hope to stop the spread. Increase air flow and check moisture levels. Susceptible plants can get PM from both too much moisture and too little moisture.

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  3. Thanks for the reply, I just harvested early as the white was covering everything and some of the buds were getting a fur on them which I think is mold. The white was there before I used anything and from the pics I've seen online that is PM. I used a milk/water solution when the white spots started to get bad, then oil/water, then the bought solution as a last resort. Nothing stopped it getting worse. The temp is low here and there's no humidity which is the most suprising thing of all. I reckon I harvested 2 weeks to early but it's better to have weak shit than no shit:)
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  4. Also leaves around the buds started browning and dying and getting furry. Maybe it's just mold, it's been cold and damp here for a while now. That would also explain the PM solution not working. Kind of heart breaking after putting so much work in
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