The Official Paranormal Thread

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by TioW42, Oct 25, 2015.

  1. I work with disabled individuals and have for a long time. Most of these people are very, very in-tune with their senses and out of tune with their mental functions.

    Its a very strange phenomenon when you can see an individual be visibly impacted by the attitude of another. The bad vibes that person brings does not have to be projected onto the individual or anything.. Simply by that person just being in the same area as them causes the individual to become unstable, almost as if the very energy that person is giving off is being analyzed by that individual and the individual begins to literally react to it in a negative way, without being directly impacted by it at all.

    Even if you are in a high-tense situation with an individual, panicking will make them worse. Even if you keep it together, they are aware that you are not as together as you would normally be.

    So if that type of energy can affect a person, just imagine the energy being given off by a dying human being. All these emotions, to know that their life is coming to an end. To know they won't see anyone else they know again.. Maybe they suffer in pain for a while. Its a crazy thing to think about, but when somebody is having a bad day, they give off that negative energy.. Its just a crazy concept to think what type of negative energy a human being would give off, facing their premature death.

    I don't fully believe in ghosts but the energy we give off is undeniable and i believe that energy plays a big part in supposed paranormal experiences that people have.
  2. I believe ghosts or whatever you want to call them exist, I've seen enough fucked up shit to convince me something else we can't exactly see or feel is out there.

    When I was in high school and lived in Missouri I used to live in this decent sized house (about 2800 sq ft) and it was sorta in the middle of nowhere. I mean there were houses around but we had no neighbors and we were FAR from any major roads, the roads were all gravel narrow roads, just seemed creepy especially at night. Well anyways, at around 2-3 in the morning I'd always see this shadowy figure hovering in the window and it seemed to be outside, but when I'd look outside and I'd see nothing out of the ordinary. So I'd go back to where I was and it's still hovering going side to side across the window so I was like fuck it, nothing too major I guess. That's not even the strangest occurrences either. Eventually, at around 3 AM I'd wake up (everyday) and the figure hovering would still be there but then I'd also start to hear scratching on my window and it couldn't possibly be an animal as for the window was too high off the ground and strangely enough my sister said she heard the same thing going on in her room so I was like what the fuck is going on? As time went by I'd hear banging throughout the house and everybody was sleeping and in certain areas the premises had extremely cold spots so I'm positive something was there in that house and we were living there uninvited. The longer we stayed there the worse things got, good thing we got out of that house cause I didn't want to witness anymore.

    I got another story that happened recently but honestly, I'm too scared to even type it
  3. Ok I don't know how you could even sleep like did you at all? If I were in your shoes I would be begging for my parents to go sleep at a friends house or something I just don't like the thought of your situation. Is it ok if you share the second one?
  4. Can anyone here prove to me that I am not the only person who exists?

    How can I know this isn't a dream?

  5. How does this pertain to any content in the thread?
  6. What we normally think of as "conscious experience" is easily shown to be manufactured inside of the head. It's synthesized from the multitude of concurrent spiking patterns that are, among other sources (memory, etc), transduced patterns of electrical spiking initiated by our physical interaction with the external *and internal) world. Strange shit here.

  7. I could sleep yes but having weird nightmares and waking up at 2-3 am was a norm in that house for me. It got to the point where i'd let my dog sleep in the room with me and he'd be fine up until that 2-3 am time frame. He'd start growling, barking, even sometimes get scared or paranoid and he'd be barking at the thing outside. He as well knew something was there and it had to of been a negative energy if he was getting scared. Now come to think of it, I think it scarred him for life cause he's scared of everything now but I don't know...

    As for the second story it happened at my homies crib a little over a month and a half maybe 2 months ago. I'm first going to go ahead and say I'm almost positive something is following me, it's distant but it's there, and they have their episodes where they fuck with me hardcore. I'm not sure if they're from Missouri or what, but I live in Illinois now. But back to the story. We were just chillin in my homies crib toking up and watching something on Netflix. Everything was fine until I seen something in the corner of my right eye, I saw a shadow moving sorta in a vibrating movement, but it was slowly moving towards the door. So I focused my attention on that (and let me say that was a terrible idea) and shit escalated instantly, it's like it acknowledged I knew it was there. Well anyways the shadow then showed it's face, it was feint but it was there and it was just fucking evil looking. So I was like "ok, ok, don't freak out" (since negative energies feed off fear) but it was next to impossible to NOT freak out. I then said to my homie, "Yo, there's something in here, it's over there" (I pointed) and he was like "Quit fucking with me bro, don't be trying to scare me with that shit" so he continued to zone out while I continued to focus on the wall. Again, bad idea. As the evil looking thing was moving a girl appeared and she was standing facing away from the wall looking at me, and she was a little girl about 13 or so years old. I'm pretty sure I know who the girl was and instantly I started flipping out because she's EVIL, she's from an cemetery I went to in high school and my dumbass friend kicked over her tombstone. She was hung in a well for drowning another little girl so she's not just an negative energy, she's an extremely pissed off one because he disturbed and disrespected her, what I have to do with this idk. I then told my homie I'm positive somethings in here and he said if you're that scared then get out of the room. I decided to stay for a short time until the girl was slowly coming towards me, using some sort of teleporting maneuver it took her about 3-5 minutes to get damn near 6 inches away from me before I jolted out the fucking room scared as hell. I get to the main room where there's a couch and I instantly feel a very sharp pain going through my whole chest, I couldn't breathe, I was panting (literally), I was even sweating, I thought I was having a heart attack. My homie comes out he's like what the fuck?? He tells me we need to get out of the crib because I told him I think something was trying to possess me (honestly I don't know what the fuck was going on) so we get out the crib and as soon as I get away from his apartment it goes away. You guys may think I'm bullshitting but I assure you some crazy shit happened that day.
    So later that day like 2 hours later I went to my now ex's house and I was still scared my heart was racing and she was like what the hell? She told me I should either A: Go back to the cemetery and fix it or B: Get cleansed
  8. Wow and if she's still following you how the fuck can you even sleep and also be able to type this up? I would be scared shitless and probably go insane especially if she's evil and not only that but a very pissed off spirit. Did anything else happen after this? Do you even get any paranoia when your by yourself or going to sleep?
  9. #29 Str8Faded, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2015
    To be completely honest with you, when I was typing the first story it was around 1 almost 2 in the morning and I was considering typing up the second one until my dog started acting weird and I was like, nope, nope, not happening. He was just laying there sleeping (I feel safer when my dogs in my room, I got my reasons) and he quickly woke up, his ears perked up, and his head was following something. Maybe I'm just crazy, but usually I can sense this type of shit after dealing with it for such a long time and I sensed something was around but I doubt it was her. Could of been, but I'm not entirely sure.
    Actually yes something did happen after that. It may of been connected but it may not have been, either way it was strange. So I'm at my ex's house, we're in the garage just chilling ya know, enjoying the nice weather. Her sisters boyfriend goes outside looks up at the light because he noticed it was flickering and the plating around the garage light was about to catch fire. The plating is plastic, but many houses have that exact plating surrounding the light so it's not exactly a fire hazard. Good thing he went outside and noticed it because it could of cause a major fire. As I said, I'm not sure it was connected to her, but if you'd have to ask me I think it was.

    All the time man. When all the lights are out and it's extremely dark in my room I see visions when my eyes are closed of figures and shit looking at me. Can't say that they're there but they may be. I'm almost positive I'm cursed and that something's been fucking with me. From what I've heard pissed off spirits can harm you, and out of nowhere my appendix started leaking. Got many tests done and nothing was diagnosed for months. I was literally dying, then the beginning of this year after New Years I go to the hospital again and they finally diagnosed it and said if I wouldn't of came in and got a testing done I'd be dead a week later. It just happened out of nowhere. So man, I've been through some fucked up shit.
  10. How long has this been happening for and what were you diagnosed with? It might be good if you take some pictures or do some sort of video diary if anything weird happens and gather some footage just to spice up the thread a little bit.
  11. #31 Str8Faded, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2015
    I've had paranormal occurrences for longer than I could remember, but if I'd had to be exact I'd say about 8-9 years.

    I was diagnosed with appendicitis which required a major surgery. I have an incision from my belly button down to my genitals so it's a really big incision. When I was submitted to the E.R. I weighed 128 lbs and I'm 5'10", I lost about 30 pounds in a few months, my body was eating itself inside because it wasn't getting the proper nutrition it needed, definitely was a scary experience and it changed my perspective on life a lot. Really taught me how valuable life is ya know?

    I will definitely keep something like that in mind, but I don't have a film camera. that's the only way I've heard you can legitimately capture paranormal activity.
  12. thats creepy. I can't think of a scarier situation. I'd never want to drive down that road at night.
  13. #33 TioW42, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 29, 2015
    Man that sucks it must of felt like torture especially all this happening just adds too much stress. You might want to use this this forum I know it's not much but it some help like tips on diet and home treatments for your condition Use your phone it may be ghetto but at least you can take pictures and video record. Or just buy a cheap camera like this one it's full HD 1080p and 12MP for $35 vivitar also has cheaper ones as well. There's have been plenty of footage caught on phones it's just not as common.
  14. What makes it worst is that someone else also seen an old looking man with a beard on that road and I thought I was the only one. You can look up stories on it if your interested
  15. #35 Oni~, Oct 29, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2015
    Kind of like the aliens discussion, same rule applies.

    1. There are nuts who'll claim to have seen every single thing that falls under the supernatural umbrella.

    and at the same time...

    2. We already know that we don't know anything, so why not. Given enough time, energy, and discovery, we may yet find something ghost like.

    There more than likely are no such things as ghosts as brought to us by Hollywood and the many nuts inspired by it, but forms of regularly not detected energy are already proven to exist. That old grandparent may not be in the basement rattling chains, but his/her passing may have a residual energy that remains and is not detected by regular means.

    I've never seen anything like a ghost myself but if I were to definitively find out they exist, I'd be like "well, there you go."

    Honestly, if you haven't picked up on it already, nature is fkn crazy and we are just monkeys on one rock among countless others.

  16. #36 ExcretingCretin, Oct 30, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 30, 2015
    14.3 Billion years man. Think about all that crazy scary cool shit that's gotta be out there.
    Just imagine how unimaginable it is.[​IMG]
  17. What's the most scariest paranormal experience you guys witnessed?
  18. your energetic essence will remain in the rocks and debris of these worlds for all time even into inevitable stardust of our beloved planets. even millions to billions of years later your essence remains. this third density is the slowest/lowest place going and things happen slowly so holding/containing essences is easy especially in the crystals.
  19. Really? How did you find this out? Did you read it somewhere? What is "energetic essence" made of that allows it to persist thru eons? Can you show where some energetic essence was left from people who died a few thousand years ago? Is there an energetic essence detector? I want to believe you, I just need a little proof so I know you're not making this all up like the other posters. My salt shaker is chock full of crystals and if they're holding essences I don't want to eat them. Could they be evil essence? Because that would explain a few things.
  20. Not sure about the "essence" shit but energy cannot be destroyed. Even after we die and completely decompose the energy that belonged to us will not extinguish until entropy. Vsauce had a good video on this.

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