Do you ever think how crazy the universe is?

Discussion in 'High Ideas' started by decemberbuddhist, Oct 23, 2015.

  1. Like we are constantly rotating, and orbiting around the sun... And we can't even feel it. So much happens in this universe to help keep us alive and at the same time so much happens within our bodies to keep us alive and well at the same time. So many forces working for us and just for this very moment to be alive. It's wild haha
  2. I find the whole system of the universe to be fascinating. I have had time under the influence that I was totally one with the universe- just part of the whole organism. My heart was beating with the pulse of the universe. True, this took chemical help, but was awesome and I'll never forget. You're right- from the millions of processes going on in our bodies to the earth going around the sun. It blows me away.
  3. #3 SCKXX, Nov 3, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 3, 2015
    The universe is something that the human mind can't understand.

    The universe is of spherical shape, like a ball.
    Imagine yourself being an ant on this ball, you travel and travel around it, and it's so huge and spherical that seems infinite. It is not. It's unlimited.

    The universe is unlimited.

    You can't go out of it, it's spherical, there IS a limit, but we can't reach it. And this limit is indeed expanding.

    Also, the matter can't be created nor destroyed, and that's why I think the universe always existed, it has never been created.

    I know this sounds crazy as fuck, but as I mentioned above, this is something that our mind can't accept because we are so used to give a rational and logical answers to all the questions, but isn't this the true meaning of life?
    What if we suddenly stop questioning our existence?

    That'd be awful.
  4. As long as we're all high as giraffe testicles in here....




  5. Yeah. I used to think our galaxy was pretty small until learning. I think I read that if the sun to Jupiter is a quarter (currency) the Milky Way is the size of the United States or something. I may be wrong, lol
  6. I do not understand why one would create a thread about this. It is quite obvious that the universe is the most sane thing we know of. It's the people that make it crazy.
  7. Possibly. But if being amazed by the universe itself is wrong then I don't want to be right.
  8. Man has been amazed at the universe since the dawn of time. We look up to the stars and ask "How? Why?" and then all hell broke loose and the shit really hit the fan.
  9. I think about this kind of stuff constantly. Recently I watched TED talks Space Trek on Netflix and it rocked my socks. I got to thinking how utterly inconsequential we are, seriously. We are fleas on the ass of the universe. There are something like 600 billion galaxies out there, each with over 100 billion stars each. My depressed brain says why fucking bother, ya know? Nothing means shit. Then I smoke and all is well.
  10. I think literally every stoner ever has thought about this...
  11. True; high or not!

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  12. turn on the closed captions

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  13. I don't think we have the choice to not think that.

  14. I sometimes think that we are a mirror of the universe in a different form we are all. Planets just existing colliding for eternity

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