Ask a mature atheist a question (about atheism).

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by SlamDaddy, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. I'm a 51 year old atheist. Why this topic? Well, I've seen some pretty crazy statements made about what atheists do or believe and thought it might be good to shed some light on the topic. Also, grasscity forums are safer for me than doing this on facebook or other social media since I live in an area where being an atheist is not very popular.

    Some background: I grew up in a small town in northern Minnesota. I was indoctrinated as a Lutheran at a young age but started questioning many lessons being taught in Sunday School at a very young age.

    I'm not too interested in debating anyone whether god exists or not. I've had plenty of those when I was younger and I've learned that almost nobody changes their beliefs based on an internet debate. Most times, it turns to insults and name-calling. That can be very entertaining for awhile but then it just gets tedious.

  2. Do you believe in God Almighty, creator of heaven and earth?
  3. Hi do you have a moment to talk about our Lord and savior Jesus Christ?
  4. Do u believe in the devil? Demons, witches, ghost? U said ask..
  5. I too was raised in a strict religious household & all of that nonsense & was & always will be "condemned" for MY beliefs about religion, especially Christianity by my family & now even with my girlfriend (she's a faithful church goer & always has to ask me what I'm going to tell my daughter when she asks me about "god")

    It only took me two times reading the KJV Bible (book of bullshit) to realize it's entirely a huge crock of shit, and anyone with an intelligence quotient of at least 15 should be able to understand that. Religion is the earliest form of control & "brain washing" (if you will), IMO.

    Now, onto your question: What finally made you realize that the bible & all of that was nothing but a big book of hypocrisy & lies?
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  6. What is your definition of this "God" that you don't believe in.
  7. The supernatural is real & you would have to be a complete moron (not saying you are, so don't take it that way please) to think otherwise. There are some realms that you probably shouldn't venture into, but if you're a skeptic and want to try & disprove it, you will find yourself in shock/awe if you do in fact choose to venture into that.
  8. Your right they are real. And where the is evil there is good if there are demons there must be angels, if demons are among us then the devil is guiding them therefore if the devil is real so is God Almighty and Jesus Christ my Savior
  9. Wow talk about unreasonable assumptions!
  10. There are dark spiritual realms therefore God? No. The darkness comes from within us. As does the light. It is all a manifestation of the dualism that is the human psyche.
    Inb4 total thread derailment.
    OP better get back soon
  11. Not once did I say demons or angels. Are you one of the ones that believe it happened because of "Gods will"
  12. An unreasonable assumption would be to believe we evolved from apes and that the big bang was real...
  13. No.. I'm one f those people that has seen a flat out miracle overnight and since seeing his true power I've never been able to not believe. Even if you don't believe in God if you seen what I saw you would at minimum believe in a higher power, I was lucky enough to have the is he real is he not question answered by the man himself. And why did you even post the thread if you wasn't ready for people to have different opinions an beliefs than u....
  14. [​IMG]
  15. It was a simple question is all, don't take offense. If you're going to use the belief in God to back up your sanctity of life, you clearly have a cognitive dissonance. The Christian God ordered and sanctioned the Jews to commit at least 4 genocides.
    The Bible's God drowned almost every living being in the world, including infants and children. He killed the first born children.
    Belief in God doesn't impart morality, and neither does the Christian Bible, a book that condones slavery, for which Christians have to turn their brains into pretzels to legitimize.
  16. Guess what? God is going to kill each and every one of us. Even you.

  17. God didn't flood the earth until the Jewish people defying his wishes raised a generation of devil worshipers an I'm not being offensive just laying it out there I'm the one getting quoted by different people attacking my opinions and beliefs but I assure sir I'm chill gonna b burning some golden gate kush when I leave up out this piece lol might try and smoke one with Bob Marley while I'm up there
  18. I did not espouse those theories to be truth... Since I'm not in agreement with you I'm clearly your definition of the opposite of your beliefs right?
    Clearly this will go no where with your capacity for logical thought so...
  19. Bro... what have u even tried to say... absolutely nothing besides I'm wrong and what the heck... this is a fucking debate bro I'm debating, and honestly it has gotten old.. but BY ALL MEANS please say whatever u actually do believe in.
  20. Is there a rule that says unless I share my philosophy I can't criticize any other philosophies? Don't think so

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