Where can I buy this piece?

Discussion in 'Smoking Pipes, Glass Spoon Pipes' started by DublinGreen, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. I'm looking for a metal spoon with a straw in the handle. You blowtorch the head of the spoon and inhale as you drop the bho on the head of the spoon?

  2. That's not going to work.... Only thing that I've heard of where you heat something is hot knifing. If you heat the spoon up the weed will smoke a bit but just stick to the spoon. Even if it did somehow magically combust into smoke when you pull in to take it you're gonna get like nothing considering how fast weed smoke rises. Tbh I just suggest hot knifing. Gets you fried as fuck, uses no weed, and relatively easy to do.
  3. Hot knives?

  4. if your tryin to smoke concentrates why don't you get a cheap rig? smoking from some strange spoon sounds....sketchy?
  5. two butter knives heated on the stove. You put your consumables between them and squish with a twisting motion. Ijs
  6. Yup. I have done it before, not since I was a teen tho`.
  7. grav labs makes concentrate one hitters. They look like a glass bat but they have a glass tongue that hangs infront of it
  8. Ahem *unmentionalbles" pipe. not even kidding work perfect for dabs, i have customers in my shop tell me they work great for Wax on the go

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