Gender Equality

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Jason Van Jason, Oct 14, 2015.

  1. Ok. Let's keep this conversation on an intelligent level. First and foremost, GC is mostly populated by males. Is this the correct venue to address gender equality? Maybe not, but that does not mean that we cannot talk about it. I am not here to force misogynistic values on anyone, nor have feminist values forced upon myself. Before you begin your response, i would like to hear a little bit about your past experiences with the opposite sex. Have they been good or bad and why you feel that way, as well as how these experiences have shaped your dealings with the opposite sex up to today and beyond. Also, if you have a lot of experience with trans gendered individuals or are one yourself, we'd love for you to participate in the conversation, as that perspective is rarely heard from, due to intolerance.

    I myself have been intolerant to trans-gender individuals in the past for sure.. I have never openly discriminated a trans-gendered person before, nor would i ever, but what is said behind closed doors is still said. I did not really pay much attention to women until i was about 14. After that point, my experiences with women have been varied. I have had some bad experiences, some of which i brought upon myself, others brought on me. About 5 years ago, had a really bad relationship that ended horribly and as a result, i lost trust with a lot of the females in my life.
    That period lasted for maybe 2 years, until i began working where i am now. I currently work at a place heavily dominated by females. I am one of a hand full of men that work there and the organization itself heavily identifies with being a feminist one, to the point where their basic slogan is like "Women empowering women" or something like this. I was leery about making the transition into the organization, since i allowed my one past experience to basically shape my outlook on most women, but was pleasantly surprised at what was going on there, even today. I have made some fantastic female friends along the way and overall, the experience has changed my outlook in a big way. I have also run into some very, very feminist women while counselling and the information gathered from that, i can pretty safely assume that most women who are feminist have had some sort of horrible experience with men, which is the catalyst for their feminist traits, rather than the actual conditions of the society we live in. That is my outlook.

    As for my outlook on the societal factors of gender equality, consider this video and think to yourself "If instead of a white woman, this was a man of any color, what would of been the outcome?" Because i believe the outcome would of been very different. (The video is loud)

  2. There's not really much to say. Women are more equal than they have ever been and hopefully will ever be. In fact, women are more "equal" than men in some cases. Women have the right to abort a pregnancy, men do not, women go to jail far less frequently for the same crimes commited as men, more women are being hired because they're women.

    Welcome to the backwards spiral that is Western society. I knew a girl who was a hardcore Tumblr feminist in high school like 4-5 years ago. If only she knew she was part of the problem and not a freedom fighter for something that doesn't need to be fought for anymore...
  3. the extremist feminists want special treatment not equality.
  4. That's a tough one, I feel that gender equality is the same as any other issue of discrimination in society. I honestly don't see it as something that is a significant problem. I say this because there is no such thing as equality, it's just a pretty word people use. What I would say on this subject though is those women who became feminists because men did them wrong should understand that that small percent of people they have dated shouldn't force them to give up on us completely which is what I take from some of these cases of feminism. I also feel like we divide ourselves so much as a people that we end up deviating from what really matters in life and it's not a false sense of equality.
  5. This is actually untrue. Radical feminism has nothing to do with 'special treatment.' It gets an extremely bad rap online because of the fact that we are trying to fight the codification of gender-role stereotypes into law, which is something the trans* brigade actively seeks to do.

  6. No male can become pregnant. As such, they do not have a body at risk FROM the pregnancy.

    As to the jail argument, this is not the case anymore. It certainly was the case as recently as 10-15 years ago because the judicial notions were that the female felon was likely trying to provide for their child, who would then become a ward of the State if the mother were incarcerated.

    As to the more women being hired because they are women...again, no. Qualified women are being hired because they are qualified. This is something that remains a problem in STEM fields because girls are only now being encouraged to pursue STEM studies if they are so motivated. Even today, many of the claims about females in STEM jobs (as an example) increasing are actually the males claiming trans* status after becoming entrenched in their field.

  7. There's two extremes and just generalizing the entire spectrum is silly. There are some areas where woman are definitely getting an advantage because of their sex like certain parts of the STEM field. I would however say that there are still many fields where women have a much tougher time because the fields are dominated by men. I agree that in certain aspects woman have it easier but in others they don't. Everyone wants to generalize the entire experience of people but the truth is we live in a complex world with a large spectrum of treatment of different genders. The whole Meninist vs feminist thing has basically boiled down into internet trolls looking for one story of preferential treatment to a certain gender to validate their position instead of looking at the bigger picture and realizing the two are much closer than ever to being equal than at any point in history. This notion that you are being horribly oppressed because of your gender is generally not true. I would say we've come a lot further in gender equality than racial equality in this country.
  8. My boss is a woman and she makes like 80 grand plus bbenefits and a free house paid for by the corporation


  9. None of that proves anything, one way OR the other. $80K annual isn't that big of a deal. Seriously, it isn't. I would actually turn down jobs in some area that only offered that, even if they WERE kicking in a housing allowance in some form or fashion.

    Individual data points are useless without context, and that holds true for salary discussions just as much as anything else.

  10. Ann, what did the transgender community do to earn such distaste from you? I'm not trying to be a polemicist or "stir the pot". I am genuinely curious as to why you can't seem to stand the trans community as a whole.
  11. Actually I think Ann just said that many trans people are scientists and engineers at the top of their field. At least that is how I choose to interpret it. :)
  12. "Males claiming trans* status after becoming entrenched in their fields."

    There are over 300 million people in america. Approximately 700,000 of those are transgender. That's less than 1%. Now cut that number down further to those who would actually be in the STEM fields. You see the problem? I'm not trying to start shit or anything, I'm just legitimately curious as to why she seems to think that we are always to blame for something. It never fails. I interpreted it as her accusing trans women of stealing the spotlight or whatever.

    I encourage Ann to take to my inbox to continue whatever discussion about this she and I may or may not have. I wanna try to see things from her perspective.
  13. Ehhhhh anecdotal evidence isn't all that convincing in this context.

    But the whole "women make 75% of what a male makes" myth is obviously complete bullshit, yet it's still taught in academia.
  14. Feminism has become a poison in western countries.

  15. #15 Twistedd, Oct 15, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 15, 2015
    I want to fucking punch something. This stupid fucking website just deleted my post and now I have to retype it because this fucking website loves to fucking delete entire posts and then log you out. WHAT THE FUCK.

    Here we go again. (Fuck you GC. You're a fucking cunt)

    The whole women only make 75% to a man's dollar is absolute bullshit. But there is some truth to it so hear me out. Many factors come into play and I'm going to be more to the point since this fucking website sucks massive whale dick (looking at you Tech Staff).

    The factors to this statistic are falsified, while not being outright lies in my opinion. It's more used as propaganda to the ignorant people who don't do further research into WHY this may be true(ish) rather than just parroting what someone else said, or just outright lies from "feminists." From what I've read and studied up on, life style choices, type of education, career field, maternity leave, hours worked, etc. Basically a person who went into Gender Studies isn't going to make the same as someone who went into a computer-based career. Or a person who went to culinary school and got a job in a high class restaurant rather than just working at an Applebee's and whatnot. Also, there needs to be some type of decision about the demand of work in the society you're working in. There is no need to study, for example, Gender Studies, because who the fuck needs that? People who fucking learn about Gender Studies. It needs to be thought out, "Is this career going to help others and in turn help me wince my job is/isn't in high demand right now?"

    The statistic comes from the overall average of those women who work different hours, different jobs, with different lifestyles than those of men. I could go into more detail, but I really don't want to have to fucking write this bullshit again.

  16. It is just new. It was different. In the context i said that in, i meant the past. Now, i just don't care if your a man or woman, i'll treat you the way you treat me and i should have the right to do so and a lot of folk think i should not have that right. <--- Most of those people are dudes.
  17. #17 101 BIG TEX 101, Oct 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2015
    look out for a female jeffery dahmer one day - when things get more equal.....some heavy shit gonna happen - some men gonna get terrorized by the femi-nazi's when they convert to islamic extremism
  18. Boy, you sure have a lot of pointless posts in my threads. Then i looked at your other posts and understood why. lol.
  19. your threads? they belong to G.C.- j/k.........who are you? i have no idea who u are. how could u understand? i am clueless who u r

  20. #20 101 BIG TEX 101, Oct 16, 2015
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2015
    i guess i'll start keeping notes and moderating my own threads, time aint gonna be so easy, fellow cowboys! lol rides again! yee haaaaaw!

    hmm.....what's that? look! some herb! gotta go


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