Christopher Columbus: A genocidal maniac and vindictive tyrant

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by jainaG, Oct 12, 2015.


    Communities across America are beginning to embrace Indigenous People's Day.
    Is this an example of political correctness run amok, as conservatives
    tend to see it? Or, as are liberals right in arguing that it's an
    important acknowledgement that beneath the foundation of our vaunted
    Western values lie the scorched remains of millions of native Americans?

    Allow me to offer a Third Way.

    It's true that by modern standards, Christopher Columbus was clearly a
    genocidal maniac, although his brutality toward indigenous people wasn't
    all that exceptional in the context of early European colonialism.

    But even if you don't care about that, we still shouldn't celebrate
    Christopher Columbus for the same reason we don't take a day off to
    honor André Maginot for his defensive line in France prior to World War
    II, or the guy who thought up New Coke for his marketing genius: Columbus was a self-aggrandizing jerk who largely stumbled into the history books despite getting a whole bunch of things wrong.

    In a sense, he was like the Donald Trump of his day, a doofus with no
    small amount of ambition and one great skill: self-promotion. (Fact:
    Trump would be just as wealthy today
    if he'd just invested his inheritance in an index fund and sat on a
    beach drinking piña coladas rather than making all those "great" deals.)

    It's true that Columbus didn't win the sperm lottery like Trump.
    He was born to a weaver who ran a cheese stand on the side, and took to
    the seas looking for adventure and riches at a very young age. But it's
    also true that he sucked up to the leading families of Genoa until he
    was able to marry into the aristocracy with his betrothal to Filipa
    Moniz Perestrelo, a Portuguese noblewoman whose family was a bit down on
    their luck. Worried that she was growing into a spinster at the ripe
    old age of age 25, they were eager to marry her off to someone, even an
    ambitious commoner as long as he didn't ask for much in the way of a

    When the Ottomans captured Constantinople in the mid-15th century,
    Europe's land passage to Asia - the "Silk Road" - had become
    treacherous, and navigators started talking about reaching the continent
    by sailing West. Most of their energy was directed at finding a route
    around Africa. And most of them were working from an estimate of Asia's
    location developed by the Alexandrian scholar Ptolemy in the 2nd century.

    It was considerably off, but not nearly as far from the mark as the
    Greek mathematician Marinus of Tyre's estimate, which Columbus embraced.

    Columbus also differed from Trump in that he was a voracious reader.
    Based on the extensive body of knowledge he'd accumulated over the
    years, he estimated that the coastline of Japan was about 2,300 miles to
    the West, and that he could reach it by sailing across the Atlantic. He
    was only off by around 5,500 miles.

    He pitched his planned route twice to King John II of Portugal, whose own scientists thought he was a crackpot.

    He then approached King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. The
    history books don't record whether he promised them that his Western
    route would be huge, classy and/or only the best, but we do
    know that after a relentless, three-year lobbying campaign, the Spanish
    Court, worried about falling behind the Portuguese (who were well on
    their way to establishing a route around Africa), and perhaps eager to
    get Columbus out of their hair, gave him some ships, promised him some awesome titles if he succeeded in his journey and wished him the best of luck.

    By now, everyone knows that Columbus accomplished neither of the
    two things that we learned about in grade school. The Viking Leif
    Erickson was probably the first European to establish a settlement in the Americas some 500 years earlier, and by 1492, only uneducated peasants still believed that the world was flat.

    But whether as a result of his navigational prowess or some lucky
    tailwinds, Columbus's flotilla did hit the Caribbean, and that event
    certainly changed the course of human history.

    (It's believed that Rodrigo de Triana, a sailor aboard the Pinta,
    was the first to actually spot the "New World," but the Spanish had
    promised a lifetime pension to the man who first spotted land, so
    Columbus, being the huge jerk that he was, later claimed that he'd spied
    land the night before but didn't bother to mention it and claimed the
    pension for himself. Perhaps it was de Triana's disillusionment with
    working for assholes like Columbus that caused him, upon his return to
    Spain, to ship out for Africa and convert to Islam, but that's just

    That was the first of four voyages Columbus would make. Historians say
    that his real historical significance stems not from "discovering" the
    Americas, but establishing an enduring presence there. It led to the the
    "Columbian Exchange (AKA the "Grand Exchange"), when plants and animals
    were swapped between Europe and the Americas. It was a huge,
    world-changing event, and would have an immense impact on the future of
    both continents.

    It also introduced novel European diseases to the indigenous people that wiped out huge numbers of them.
    That's pretty well known. And you can't really blame old Christopher
    for it, given the limits of scientific knowledge at the time.

    But you can blame him for the complete annihilation of the
    Arawak peoples native to Hispaniola, where the modern states of Haiti
    and the Dominican Republic are located. It's true that many of them
    succumbed to disease, but the rest were worked to death in Columbus's
    compulsory labor system, or slaughtered outright when they attempted to
    resist. According to historian Bob Corbett, it's the "only case in history" of a "complete and total genocide" actually being accomplished.

    Less well-known was Columbus's apparent responsibility for
    transmitting American diseases back to Europe, which can likely be
    traced to his men being set loose to rape and pillage wherever they
    landed. A genetic study published in 2008
    found that it was Columbus's sailors returning from the first voyage
    who brought syphilis back to Europe with them, which two years later led
    to the "Great Pox" that's believed to have killed five million
    Europeans. That was about one in six - or the equivalent of 125 million
    relative to today's population. Karma's a bitch.

    In any event, Columbus got his lifetime pension and his titles - Admiral
    of the Ocean Sea and Viceroy and Governor of the Indies, the latter
    making him effectively the dictator of Hispaniola. It was in that role
    that he and his brothers, Bartolomé and Diego, really distinguished
    themselves as horrible people. Documents recovered in the past ten years revealed that, as The Guardian put it,
    Columbus ruled as "a greedy and vindictive tyrant who saved some of his
    most violent punishments for his own followers." These "included
    cutting off people's ears and noses, parading women naked through the
    streets and selling them into slavery" for offenses like saying bad
    things about Christopher Columbus.

    When stories of the Columbus brothers' cruelty and incompetence reached
    the Spanish Court, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand had them returned
    to Europe and thrown into prison. That's probably where the story should
    have ended, but like fans of The Apprentice, the Spanish
    monarchs were apparently persuaded by Columbus's silver tongue. After
    considering his appeals, they freed the brothers and financed Columbus's
    fourth and final voyage.

    Most historians think that Columbus clung to the belief that he had
    landed in Asia until his death in 1506. At the end of his days, he must
    have been one of the few who still did, given that Amerigo Vespucci's
    accounts of exploring the "new" continent had been widely published in
    Europe a few years earlier.

    But by that time, Columbus was chronically ill, and was devoting his
    time to writing a book of nutty apocalyptic Christian prophesies which
    predicted that Ferdinand and Isabella would vanquish Islam and usher in
    the Second Coming of Christ.

    Vespucci would have an entire continent named after him, while Columbus
    settled for a Latin American country - which is pretty cool - some
    monuments, a boring town in Ohio and a swamp on the border between
    Maryland and Virginia that would later come to be seen as a symbol of
    inept governance. In hindsight, perhaps that last one is the most

    So this is the man we're getting Monday off of work to honor. And
    whether you'd prefer to celebrate Indigenous People's Day or Columbian
    Exchange Day, it seems pretty clear that we shouldn't be celebrating
    Christopher Columbus because, seriously: F&^k that guy.
  2. Columbus actually never reached America nor was he a tyrant. He was an explorer. He didn't give "permission" to the Spanish crown to invade the Americas. The Spanish Crown did that of their own accord. As far as the 200-300 Conquistadors defeating the Aztecs/Mayans, that is totally untrue. The Conquistadors rallied all the smaller tribes that were put under subjacation by the Aztecs into one fighting force and the Aztecs were defeated. As far as the diseases brought to the New World, understanding of disease transmission was not understood at the time. They were incapable of performing biological warfare on anyone at the time. The same is true of the myth that America was performing biological warfare on the American Indians. Knowledge and the technology of doing such did not exist in America at the time.

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