a couple questions about my gravity bong

Discussion in 'General' started by geebking, Oct 7, 2015.

  1. Hi guys new here to grasscity just came to get a couple of answers. I've recently been having trouble with my gravity bong:

    1. I noticed it's not milking like it use to. Should I change the socket or the bottle?
    2. What kind of bottle works best? I'm currently using a Burnetts vodka bottle but I heard smart water bottles work good to. Are smart water bottles to little? and i dont really like 2 liter bottles because theyre small at the top.

    thanks guys

  2. Try cleaning your screen, often enough this will be the problem and it'll hit like new after that.

    I always used a 2l bottle, I just went to my local headshop, took a 5$ pipe, dismantled it and put the bowl on top of the 2l cap. Best bang for cheap in my opinion
  3. smart water bottles are the best and you need to clean your screen brah

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